CRTS Recent Finanical Struggles After Memphis

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After the most recent Crown Royal Truck Series race at Memphis, three underfunded teams have now went beyond the deadline to rebound from their debts. These teams were Fitzwater Australia Racing, Outside Lane SimRacing and Joesph Srigley Racing. Each of them having to pay the debt off immediately by being forced to take measures that would be inconvenient to cut their losses. Unlike Rockstar Energy Racing, these teams only have very little equipment and are open trucks that have to beat at least four trucks in go or go home qualifying to make the show. Here's the latest information on the plan for each team on how will they be able to continue operations in the NSDCA. Please note, that this will NOT be intended to cause any influence to any teams for it may produce 100K fines to both teams responsible.

Outside Lane SimRacing
For the past season or so, this team has been slowly declining. They have had some successes as an underdog team, but once they lost their rhythm to plenty of teams, they fell off from the face of the earth... and so did their budget. Starting this season, they only had one truck, being supported by Mercedes. They took it as a new opportunity, which in a way was a bad route to go after getting involved in one too many crashes. After getting into issues in the past few speedway events, he is now in a position where he might have to shut down his team before the end of the season. Team owner Ethan Head at the time of this article, hasn't taken any known action yet. However, despite of being around 100K under the hole, they may just sell their truck then open a team in the MMS or DPDS so they can become more stable for their future. I do believe that if they take action now, they can still survive and not become a dead team going into season 6. Otherwise, it could be the end for Ethan Head as an owner and possibly even as a driver.

Joseph Srigley Racing
This team doesn't have much background since this team is starting their career at a sour note. In go or go home qualifying, veteran driver Joesph Srigley has proven to us time and time again in an unupgraded truck that he still has it to the up and coming drivers in trucks on some cases have three star equipment. Srigley started this team with his own funds similar to Rogers Racing. However, we can say that the richer wins in the long run. Unfortunately, it wasn't DNQs that hurt his team as much as the DNFs had. In a way, JSR could be an underdog team if and only if they respected CFRO's conditions! Since they got a free GMC, it became a gray area to say the least. However CFRO disbanding their relationship with Srigley was the least of his problems. Now, according to a statement by Joesph Srigley after the race, he is looking to negotiate with the financial department of the NSDCA for a bail out. If approved, JSR will continue to attempt their full time season. Otherwise, they could have a good plan B. Based on how much debt they have, they'll have to auction or MAYBE quick sell their truck to make them go back to the positive end of the financial situation and only own a team in the MMS. Their season in MMS didn't really start well, but more will be said in an upcoming mid season report of the series. The fate of their CRTS team will be determined by the administration of the NSDCA.

Update: A potential bailout is approved and now the team is around over 40K under the hole BEFORE the money is added in for the race at Memphis

Fitzwater Australia Racing
Out of the three teams that have been struggling, FAR has hit rock bottom after being a decently good underdog team! FAR started their season... okay. A few people who have never raced in the NSDCA have raced for the team for as long as they were able to survive. After a bad first few weeks financially, FAR opened a bail out by the NSDCA after the Phoenix weekend. Between their CRTS program and their MDCS program, the NSDCA removed their entire MDCS program, taking two drivers out of their rides. Not a good way to start your career when the team that you raced for shuts down and your championship hopes dashed. The plan for FAR was to hopefully stay afloat with their truck. However, it's an open truck AND half the time it DNQed. Even while FAR was trying to keep their MDCS program, Mark Sylas continued to not help the cause for the struggling Fitzwater. After their bail out to keep the truck, they might have to give up this time. After the race, Fitzy announced his termination of the alliance with Sauber Racing and might not have a future with them as a driver after the end of the season. He signed a deal with Reed Racing to race at the Glen in MDCS, but otherwise, what's the future of FAR? It's rather unfortunate to say that after many seasons, it may be the end of the Australian team.

These three teams have hit the worst of the financial crises that has hit many teams. Some have already backed out and/or shut down to play financial strategy. Other teams such as Reed Racing and Ace Draw Motorsports have already made sacrifices to keep up with their finances. Others, including top teams like Texas Star Racing and Rockstar Energy Racing have been flirting with the zero line this season. With 11 CRTS races to go, including the 8 race chase, more teams could go under. Later in the season, there will be more articles on the financial crises hitting numerous teams. As the silly season is about to get heated up, teams will be trying to get as successful as possible, even with the financial situation looming around their heads. We'll see how the offseason gets affected by this as the fifth season of the NSDCA hits its halfway point.

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