Chapter 10:

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Soon the family vacation rolled around and they were able to advoid Harry's dad by having Harry stay their for the entire week.

Finally they were going to the Tomlisons, grandparents house by the lake. Harry was very excited and Louis was 10x more excited then Harry, because him and Harry get to share a bed.

Last week the two were able to go on a date, Louis took Harry to the fair and a nice picnic in the stars where he asked Harry to be his boyfriend.

Harry said yes....

Of course.

Soon it was 5 a.m in the moring and everyone in the Tomlinson house hold was slowly getting up.

Harry was sleeping in Lottie's room, Louis wated him in his but, she said that 'if Louis gets him for a week I get him for a night!' then dragged Harry into her room.

Sometimes Louis forgets that Harry was first Lottie's bestfriend before he was his boyfriend, so moments like that remind him.

Finally everyone had their bags and were gettig into the cars.

Jay took the older kids while Dan got the twins, as they drove to the airport. The Tomlinsons grandparets live in Florida so they won't be getting their until later in the night. They would be on a plan for 8 hours and 28 minutes.

(A/N: No joke looked up Doncaster to Florida flight time and that was the time.)

After meany fights, tantrums, and snack runs they finally made it to their gate.

Lottie and Fizzy were talking about what color Lottie should dye her hair.

Pheobe and Daisy were playing games on their ipad.

Jay and Dan were keeping their eye on Ernest and Doris who were with Louis and Harry, they were also talking about the plans for the trip.

While Louis and Harry were on the floor with the twins, talking about the randomest things they could and giving each other heart eyes.

They were going to Florida to celebrate Louis' 19th birthday, Christmas, and New Years eve.

Soon the plan was boarding so the family got on it.

Thats when things started going down hill.

Lottie wanted to sit with Harry, so did Louis, and so did Phoebe. But Phoebe had to be next to Daisy, but Daisy wanted to be with Fizzy and Pheobe.

Finally they made a plan.

Harry in the middle between Lottie and Louis.

Fizzy next to Daisy who was next to Phoebe, who was sitting infront of the other three, leaving Jay and Da with Ernest and Doris.

8 hours and 28 minutes couldn't pass any slower.









Finally they landed.

Louis had to shake a sleeping Harry up by moving his shoulder around, and getting a sleeping Lottie up meant slapping her arm..

Finally they got off the plan to grab their luggage, Harry, Lottie, Fizzy, Jay, and Dan were all half asleep, while the others were quite opposite.

Louis was really excited,you could tell.
He looked like a little kid going to DisneyWorld.
He was holding Harry's hand guiding him through the airport, while Harry was leaning agaisnt Louis trying to burry his head into the older lads shoulder.

They made it to luggage claim and grabbed their bags before heading to rent a car.

That took them around an hour.

Louis was wide awake, his leg bouncing up and down with Harry's head on Louis' shoulder while he slept.

No one knows why Louis is so excited..

Well besides him of course, he's excited because this is the first holiday he gets to share a room with Harry, and well first holiday they spend together, as a couple.

Finally the family got a car and made the drive to the lake house.

Harry was fast asleep again, with his head on Louis shoulder, but Louis still couldn't fall asleep, there were too many thoughts running through his mind. Some good, some bad.

He rested his head on top of Harry's and drew little patterns on the sleeping lads thigh. Louis closed his eyes and finally went into a blank thoughtless sleep.

"Lou....Lou..Love you need to wake up we're here." a very familiar voice whispered into his ear shaking hia body a little.

He opened his eyes to see Harry staring right back at him.

"Hi Love how'd you sleep?" God did his moring or tired voice sound so good.

"pretty good, because you were next to me."Louis said booping Harry's nose, causing him to blush and peck Louis cheek before leaving the car.

They slowly made their way into the lake house to see their grandparents there to greet them.

"Oh Hi my gandbabies!" Grandma said making her way and hugging all the kids, including Harry.

Soon Grandpa and Dan were in the living room talking about sports, while Jay and Grandma were in the kitchen with the younger twins, the rest were unpacking.

Lottie and Fizzy were sharing, Phoebe and Daisy, and Harry and Louis.

Louis wasn't one to unpack he threw his bag on the floor and took out his swim trunks to go and change. Harry spoke before he made it out the door.

"Lou aren'y you going to unpack?"Harry asks with his arms crossed over his chest looking like a stern mother.

"I was going to later tonight."Louis lied with a smile on his face.

"no you aren't, unpack now then we can go to the lake."Harry said turning around to continue his unpacking.

Louis whined, but obeyed, the funny thing is Harry used to be wrapped around Louis' finger now, Harry has Louis wrapped around his.

Louis is too whipped not to do what Harry says.

Finally after 15 minuted of unpacking, to Louis it felt like 15 hours, they finally made it too the lake, the sun was about to set when they saw a couple of peoople walk over to them.

"TOMMO" They heard one of them yell, Louis knew that voice that voice belonged too..

"LUCAS" Louis yelled back running up to the boy hand hugging him.

"Dude you could've texted me that you were here! I've been waiting around for hours"Stan said jokingly.

"Sorry mate you know how traveling is."Louis said back with a laugh.

"Lou! I haven't seen you in forever."Another figure walks up next to Louis.

"I know Calvin gotta visit more often."Louis said hugging Calvin.

"Lou Lou oh how i've missed you!" a girl named Danielle ran over and hugged him said.

Louis never really liked Danielle, well he's gay soo.

But as a friend she has a huge crush on him and sadly she'll never have a chance.

"Hi Danielle."Louis said with a fake smile.

"So wheres the rest of the gang."Louis said looking around the beach.

"Over there but I could say the same about you, where's Sophia,Leigh-anne, and Adien?"Louis says back.

"Oh they don't come until tomorrow, now lets go join the others."Calvin says.

Hope you enjoyed.. This story will probably have 9 more chapters then an epologue, also I am planning on writig new storys. :))

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