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My friends and I are literally bouncing off the seats. We, out of all the girls in the country, were picked to be the first girls ever to stay at Dutchtown Academy! Dutchtown was an all boys boarding school, but the founders of this great school considered taking girls in for the first time ever! I know what your thinking, why are we so excited to go to a school. well....... I'll give you a list why

1.) No parents!
2.) No curfew!
3.) Parents have to give me more money!
4.) I can hang out with who I want when I want!
5.) Again No parents!

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. I've had a good life and I'm sad that I won't see them for a whole semester, but they do get on my nerves. They are always constantly watching me and limit who I can be friends with. Once I was walking home with a friend who was dressed up goofy for an audition and my parents told me I couldn't hang out with him because of how he dressed! I tried to explain why he was wearing that outfit, but they wouldn't hear me out! Ugh! Sometimes they really aggravate me!
Anyway, like I was saying I'm excited! Also did I mention that the school is a twenty hour drive from our city?!?!? Well it is and me and my two best friends, Taylor and Lizzie, are flying there by ourselves. I know I sound like a little kid, but I can't help it! I've never been anywhere without my parents.

The time had come to say our goodbyes to our families. I may or may not have cried a little. We were on our way to the security checkpoint. I stopped and turned around, waving my last goodbye to my parents. I turned back around and continued with the checkpoint. we all made it through easily and I put my arms around my friends. The next step we would take would be bigger than we ever expected. We got on the plane awaiting for the unexpected life of boarding school. Oh I almost forgot to tell you my name! My name is Cameron. Yes I know it sounds like a boy's name! The story of my life! ( note the sarcasm)
Anyways call me Cam! All my friends do.

Hi everyone, this isn't my fist book, but I'd like it to be. I really don't like the first one, and I lost my vision for it. I hope you like this one, and don't forget to vote and comment. I would really like to hear you alls opinion ( excuse my grammar ;) please vote if you like this.

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