Welcome to hell it's not our faults your here!

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Hi! I'm always taking requests by the way, and I will do redos if I like the ship, and I like most ships me being a multishiper

Elly: Mistress go upstairs and summon them already we're bored

Karea: yeah

Rirue: they should be here now

*Snaps fingers* there ya go girls

Elly, Karea, Rirue: thanks mistress, now *turns to people who just appeared, which is team 7*

Sakura: where are we!

Elly: your in Mistresses building, your the first people she chose to react to ships to

Naruto: Ships! Where!

Karea: not those types of ships dumbass

Rirue: Karea! Don't go calling people dumbasses!

Karea: shut up Firehead!

Rirue: Plant!

Karea: Icebrat!

Rirue: greenbitch!

Elly: mistress is going to yell at you later and you Know it

Karea, Rirue: fuck

Elly: anyways a ship is a pairing, and you will react to them

Kakashi: okay, but why is Sasuke here?

Elly: mistress felt like it, and she refuses to bring Sai here

Karea: she's a saidist so if you meet her run

Rirue: she's worse then any T&I unit, because she drags it on and slits your vocal cords first in some cases

Elly: or she doesn't so she can hear screams, good thing there's a Masochist in here or else Everyone would be dead

(All my OCs are here, they'll just show up later)

Sasuke: are we going to react or not?

Karea: Fuck! An Uchiha spoke! He's possessed!

Elly: what do you mean, Tobi's impossible to shut up

Karea: well... Tobi's fucking Tobi! And duckbutt over there is fucking never one to talk!

Rirue: plant head is right

Elly: Zetsu's not here- oh

Karea: I mean, Zetsu does look like a plant, he also wears one

Kakashi: how do you know about the Akatsuki!

Rirue: simple

Elly: we grew up

Karea: there, it's where mine and Rirue's parents are

Team 7: NANI!!!!

Elly, Karea, Rirue: well welcome to hell! It's not our fault your here!

Team 7 and Akatsuki react to ships Where stories live. Discover now