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Kakashi: what?

OCs: I mean...

Naruto: nope! Nah! Nada! Not in hell-

Sakura: you know-

Elly: Kurama is the Kyuubi, yes he know him

Sakura: ahh

Sasuke: uh... What?

Everyone else: okay?

???: *Walks in* fuck

???: Uta! You bitch of a cat! Get the fuck over here!

Uta: Then come over here Daiymondo! It's not my fault I'm a fucking cat anyways!

Daiymondo: YOU BITCH *runs into room and tackles Uta*

???: You two Better not be yelling like retards for no reason! Shitai is still asleep!


Daiymondo: Uta you should really be quiet- the fuck did we walk into?

OCs that were previously introdrouced:
If she's asleep you should shut up and, ship reactions

Uta: oh? We should wait for Shitai then...

???: *Walks in room with a girl on her back* what are you two girls doing?

Daiymondo: ask them *points at the group of my OCs infront of the group of others*

Elly: oh hey Yokubō, I thought you four were going back to your dimension?

Yokubō: nah

Shitai: Shi-tai is t-ired w-hy wa-s Shi-tai woken?

Yokubō: you woke up on your own you crazy Kitsune- *looks at media*

Karea: ship reactions

Yokubō: ah, well can we join?

Rirue: are we the ones that can refuse your request- oh and we have guests as you can see

Shitai: Shitai is confused... Is this Sak-ura qu-ie-et?

Ino: what do you mean this sakura quiet?

Shitai: Shitai d-idn't mean an-y-

Yokubō: you traumatic Ten year old

Shitai: and what's that supposed to mean?! S-hit-ai c-an kill! J-ust like Yokubō! A-nd Daiy! And-

Uta: yes yes we know

Shikamaru: so will you explain your four stories?

Yokubō: we all are from the same one

Uta: want to hear how we met Naruto Kakashi and Sakura?

Sasori: I'll listen, seems interesting

Akatsuki: we'll listen

Shitai: alrighty! Okay Shitai wants to tell too!

Daiymondo: it's just how-

Shitai: shitai knows

Uta: okay so I'm a cat! My Lord is Matatabi!

Daiymondo: I'm a dragonfly, my Lord is Choumei

Yokubō: I'm a Tanuki and Shitai here is a Kitsune

Shitai: so when Shitai, Yokubō, Uta, And Daiy, went with Sasori and Deidara

Daiymondo: Deidara went and got Gaara for Yokubō, seeing as we wanted to meet our lords

Uta: so when we were talking to him- well Yokubō was, Sakura crashed the boulder, yelled

Yokubō: made Shitai have the need to kill her, explained shit

Shitai: and that's how we met! Shitai never apologized to the bitch

OCs: good job Shitai

Shitai: shitai knows!

Hi guys- when the hell did you guys- never mind... NEXT SHIP

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