
557 9 4

Elly: yay! Another Yuri ship!

Karea: dang Elly you really like Yuri don't you...

Elly: I mean... Yeah...

Rirue: aren't you two dating though... Like really Karea

Karea: doesn't mean she should like it that much...

Elly: • - • what world do you think I live in?

Karea: I don't know

Rirue: okay okay, now rate Everyone

Ino: 0

Elly: *glareeeeee*

Karea: *smacks Elly on the head*

Elly: ow! Why'd ya do that!

Karea: no glaring at Mistresses favorite Naruto Girl

Everyone: huuuuuuhhhh??????



Stella: wait... Your Dimension people are here?

Elly: go away crazy wolf

Stella: hey I'm not the crazy one!

Kakashi: SHE HAS A TAIL!

Stella: 11 actually *walks into room*

Karea: yo Stella, how's your dimension been?

Stella: well I just kicked konaha out of Uzu and Naruto got mad enough that we had to send him to the training grounds that no one uses-

Kakashi: what are you talking about??

Stella: shit in my dimention dumbass

Elly: Stella I swear... Did you steal my fucking Oreos!

Stella: yes yes I did

Karea: Nusumu's better not still have their dimension ones here

Ora: yes they do

May: Ora! Get back here!

Ora: NEVER!!


Ora: eh!

May: ORA!

Elly: rate the ship

Akatsuki: 9

Sakura: hell no

Rirue: welp your dead...

Karea: Rirue? Where's Blood?

Rirue: I don't know she might show up next chapter though

Elly: but I want blood to stop Sakura's blood flow for a little bit!

Rirue: no, she's not going to do that just because she doesn't ship something

Naruto: wait what were we Shipping again?

Stella: *whispers in Rirue's ear* does he know kura?

Rirue: yes and he has the hearing thing

Naruto: how do you know about Kurama?

Stella: he's my brother in my dimention, like he is to Tory and Rei, Tory's an Insane bitch, and Rei... She's an assassin

Naruto: what?

Stella: you'd understand- why the hell does Shikamaru have a phone

Rirue: he wanted to check things out and Mistress gave it to him, he doesn't know how to unlock it though

Karea: are you sure that's our dimension Shikamaru?

Elly: yes Karea, but none of them know how to use a phone

Shikamaru: how did she know my name?

Stella: oh fuck, great just great... Welp-

Shikamaru: I found out how to unlock it- what's this app?

Shuka's phone: *ring ring*

OCs: it's mistress! Answer it!

Shikamaru: *answers*

Hi! So don't touch Wattpad okay? Okay. It's all on my account and I don't want people knowing what I write unless I publish it *cough cough* like four stories *cough*

Shikamaru: uh... I'm touching it... *Taps screen* how much does she read!

Rirue: more then she writes, great, he's going to find smut isn't he?

Shikamaru: what!?

Elly: probably

Karea: his fault

Stella: well if he reads a single one of mistresses books there's going to be questions there

I'm still on the phone you know

OCs: Hai hai

And in the end we never even- I said don't click the person looking thing!

Shikamaru: followers? What? How many people are you following!


Sakura: let me see!

Stella: you know what give everyone a phone and give them their own accounts!

Hell nah, they'll just read shit that they'll regret!

Elly: you should do it

You know what, if they really want to then fine! End chap!

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