Five - Alarm Clocks and Classrooms

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That cursed day.

Tuesday was my first day of actual school at St. Millicent’s. Alexis’ alarm clock screamed shrilly about half an hour before my iPhone had been set to go off, which was an annoying beginning to a day that was destined to be horrible in the first place. I tried to fall back asleep, but Alexis flicked on the light and started obnoxiously screaming “Ahhh zabenyaaa!” at the top of her lungs.

After her second round of obnoxious cries, I finally mustered up the strength to roll off the bed and change into a gray polo tucked into an indigo pleated skirt. On a normal day, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a skirt, but it was the most acceptable bottom for the uniform and Alexis said I shouldn’t sneak around in skinny jeans until the staff was warmed up to me enough to not notice.

When Alexis and I stepped into the common room, it was 7:05 and I was hungry enough to eat a horse, but for some reason I ended up following Alexis to sit at the couches with everyone that I recognized from the previous day. I wasn’t surprised Alexis wasn’t hungry, seeing as she was skin and bones, but that didn’t make me feel any better about my agonized stomach.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Dallen greeted Alexis. Without giving Alexis the time to respond, he instantly directed his attention towards me. “And what’s up new girl? How did you sleep?”

“I slept fine,” I answered honestly. “I mean, I really wouldn’t call this a five-star hotel, but I almost stayed asleep the whole night through.”

“Hey, new girl?” I recognized the speaker as the redhead who had been all over Cameron the previous day. Facing her, I realized she was actually pretty gorgeous. It made me a little furious. “I haven’t met you yet,” she said with a huge smile. “I’m Ailene.”

“Nobody calls her Ailene,” a random guy said. “Ever since they played The Sandlot in the common room this one time last year she became Smalls.”

“Why Smalls?” I asked curiously, trying not to smile. 

“I’m five foot two,” Ailene– or Smalls– responded shyly, rolling her eyes. “My best friend Blaize is only two inches taller than me, but of course I was the one blessed with the curse of being the shortest in the group.”

5’2 really wasn’t that short. I knew someone back at Village who was 4’9 tops. There really wasn’t a problem with being short in my opinion. Short girls had always been the cute desirable ones. I was 5’6, which was basically average height, but I wouldn’t mind being called Smalls. I didn’t share any of that information aloud, though. All I said was, “Oh, well it’s nice to meet you, Smalls. I’m Lynne.”

“You might as well meet the rest of the group,” Dallen said. “You’ve already met Cameron Miller–” he gestured at his roommate– “and then Smalls–” who was next to Cameron, of course– “and that’s Niko–” he pointed to the random guy– “and over there’s Imani–” the girl at the end of the couch waved– “and Dan, Blaize and Allan are either sleeping or eating breakfast as usual.”

“It’s real cool to meet all of you guys,” I said, trying to be polite.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Smalls said. “Are you gonna sit with us at lunch or have you already found your crew?”

“I definitely haven’t found my crew,” I laughed. “Outside of you guys, I’m pretty sure I haven’t even made eye contact with anyone in the house.”

“Then welcome to ours, new girl,” Levi said. I grinned. I didn’t think it’d be this easy.

“I saw you guys gettin’ down yesterday,” Imani said informatively, jerking her head towards Alexis and me. I wasn’t sure what kind of reply she was expecting, so I just smiled I bit uncertainly.

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