-8- The Reason I Fight

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"Good!" Pearl soared above me, "Now again!"

I bared my clubs, my feet went to the defensive stance Pearl showed me just a moment before starting the sparing.

"You know if you take off those human clothes you would be much lighter on your feet," Pearl pointed to the pants and jacket I had borrowed from Steven a few days ago.


We clashed. Easy to say, I was beaten almost instantly.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Pearl leaned down to help me back up, since I had fallen on my back, "Sorry if I am being too intense with our training, I tend to slip into my old, my liege stuff, when I get into the entire training experience."

I reached my feet with her help, "No that's fine with me. It makes me feel better to fight for someone else."

I could tell Pearl was a bit confused, so I explained farther, "If I was just fighting for me, I wouldn't have a reason to fight. With Sphene bubbled forever in the basement, it's not like I'm fighting to be free of her. I don't have some noble self-reasoning for fighting. I'd rather just be fighting for you, or Steven, or the other Crystal Gems, or Beach City, or even the rest of humanity. At least then I have a reason to fight."

She pondered on that for an instant, "Then, what was your reason to request training from me?"

"I guess..." I thought for only an instant before answering, "I guess if I did have a reason for fighting on my own, it would be for you guys to be happy. For Garnet to be herself, for Steven's and Ame's home, and for you to be free. That makes you all so happy! I guess that's my reason?"

That stopped her. She thought and let slight confusion seep into her features.

I shook it off, "Never mind. Just forget it, let's keep going."

"No," She cleaned up, "The lesson is over for today, why don't we just..."

"Can I keep a Hollow-Pearl on? I want to practice."

"I guess," her sigh bounced off the back of my head, "Just make sure to leave it in beginner mode. I won't be here if you get poofed."

"I will!" I winked at her as I summoned my clubs, "I might be a bit weak, but I'm not a total dunce. I'll just defeat this thing once and call it a day, okay Princess?"

I didn't see her reaction, but she did hesitate to answer, "Fine. But I'm coming back here if you don't warp back in two hours."

"Whatever you say Princess," I readied my stance, "Begin Training level 1."

I heard her warp out. But that wasn't on my mind. I began the training. I guess I slowly started advancing in the levels, but I can handle it.

It was simple. Pary, Pary, Thrust. Pary, Pary, Dodge.

~Pearl's POV~

When I warped in, I was met with the penetrating gaze of Steven and Connie.

"What is it?"

Steven just smiled, "You're blushing."

Well if I wasn't before I was now, "Whatever do you mean Steven?"

Connie spoke for him, "Who were you just with?"

"Just (Y/N)," I went and sat on the couch, while the two before me gave one another some sort of 'knowing glance,' "What is with that look?"

Steven confirmed my theory that they believed something was up, he had the look. You know the one I'm talking about, "Nothing..."

"Where is she now?" Connie was now sitting at my side.

"Well she is back at the ruins," I dusted a bit of dirt from my body, "She wanted an extra round or two with a Hollow-Pearl."

I didn't tell them this, but I honestly felt a bit better about (Y/N). She's back to calling me cute nicknames. It's weird, but that has to be one of the things I missed the most about her old self. (Y/N) just seemed so invincible before the entire Sphene thing, those nicknames just made her feel real. And to be completely honest with you, I loved that, I was the only one she gave these sort of nicknames to. Sure she called Amethyst, Ame, but things like 'princess,' that was for me alone.

I went and made my way to my room. My mind kept drifting to (Y/N). That determination in her eyes as she told me about her reason for fighting. To keep us all happy. Her reason felt so real. It worried me that she saw no reason for fighting for herself. But it made me happy to know that she cared about me, about the Crystal Gems that is.

Amethyst suddenly entered, without my permission mind you, "Yo P! Where's (Y/N)? Steven said you saw her last."

"Well yes I saw her," I adjusted one of my swords, "But I left her like four hours ago."

I made my way to the door, "I should probably go check on her, you know how she gets carried away." 

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