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"Why do your tears fall, human?" A deep, ethereal voice echoed from the pond.

A small gasp left Jimin's lips at the sight in front of him. Floating above the water, like the entire pond were solid as land, stood the most beautiful being he'd ever laid eyes on. The Koi Spirit was no fish, but a person with human-like features, with the most memorizing orange eyes that bore into Jimin's brown ones.

He wore nothing but a long, flowing robe of white and orange, the speckles reminding Jimin of a koi, little frills of fabric floating around the spirit's body like he were swimming in the air. There was a glowing aura surrounding the being, illuminating the pond and the fish that swam around him like he were their master. When Jimin still didn't respond to his question, the spirit tilted his head in question, long black hair falling from his shoulder.

"Did you hear me, boy?" His brows knitted themselves together, as his body lowered onto the water to take his first steps towards a still sitting Jimin; too awestruck to move his legs. Jimin gulped silently and stood up straight, watching the being just as he watched him.

"I- I heard you," was all Jimin could think of to reply. He couldn't believe he had actually found the spirit, yet he stood right there in front of him. He was nothing like Jimin expected. Frankly, he didn't know what to expect. Certainly not this; a being donned to be dangerous, yet so beautiful.

"Well? If you heard me, then answer my question." The spirit abandoned his pond to walk on land towards Jimin, the little koi fish losing interest with their master and proceeding to swim away, the glowing aura following him and brightening Jimin's view. He bent down to look at him with an inquisitive look, orange eyes blinking. "Why do you cry?"

It was a simple question to ask, but the answer lay heavy in Jimin's heart. He felt like he wanted to keep it a secret from the being, but the way he looked down at him in curious waiting made him squirm. "My Mother.. She is ill." Jimin pushed himself to stand and the spirit stepped back, listening to him. "She will die, and I cannot help her." He spoke with sadness.

"I see. Life is but fragile of that for a human, and so are the tears that mourn them." the spirit replied, eyes flickering around Jimin like he were studying him. "What is your name, boy?"


"Jimin," he repeated the name. "What brings you to my pond?"

He takes a deep breath, and he begins telling the spirit of his struggles. About his Mother falling ill, how he desperately needed a cure, and how he came to know the story of a spirit who can grant him a wish. The spirit did nothing but listen, head tilted in the same way that gave off a look of curiosity as Jimin spoke. When Jimin finished, he looked at the spirit in waiting, nervous to hear what the powerful being would say.

The spirit's eyes remained gazing into Jimin's, but he stepped closer. "I have the power to grant you any wish. Whether it be one of gold, of love.." He circled around Jimin, and the boy could feel the sudden coldness radiating off the spirit, those orange eyes darkening with words dripping of allure. "Of fame... You could have anything you desire at your own fingertips." Jimin felt his words echo from behind his stature, and with a hand placing itself on Jimin's shoulder, the spirit waved his arm, a ray of light speckles dancing from his palm in front of Jimin's eyes, creating pictures and illusions of a foretold future. They formed shapes of a crown, chests of gold, glittering material wealth. They shined in the reflection of his eyes, drawing him in to the dazzling light that felt so warm and inviting. The spirit's lips stretched into a wicked grin, the next words whispered straight into Jimin's ear as he watched the lights. "Abandon the pain of loss for a life of abundance."

It was in that moment that Jimin realized the true danger of the creature beside him. His heart pounded in his ears from the adrenaline that broke him out of his trance, shaking his head as he tore away from the hand on his shoulder. "No."

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