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The first day of Jimin's new task brought him many doubts. He did what Yoongi had instructed of him; taking a tissue from the box and wiping it under his Mother's nose in the early morning. There wasn't much of a difference in her than before, but he needed to have patience. She showed no signs of improvement, yet nothing indicated she was getting worse either. Only time would tell.

Jimin did what he promised, taking the trip back out to the pond to meet with the spirit again, but this time he had no other intentions but to spend his day there. When he pushed past the clearing to see the pond, Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. He stepped closer and watched the koi notice his presence, hungry mouths rising above the water to him. He did what he did yesterday, bending down to feed them what he could offer; little nuts and berries he picked up on his way.

"They seem to like you," he heard the voice from his left side appear. He looked over and caught eyes with the spirit, smiling back at him perched on a rock. He had a sleepy smile on his face, resting his head on his arms as he lay there, robes flowing around him. Jimin gave a small, shy nod, not being able to help the smile lift on his face.

"I like them too. They're sweet creatures." Jimin wiped his hands clean and stood up to walk over. It was a beautiful morning, the sun casting a lovely ray over the pond, the gentle breeze whistling past his ears. The light complimented Yoongi's appearance, looking ethereal as he just lay there, giving a small yawn.

"I didn't think you'd actually come back," Yoongi changed the subject, raising his arms above his head in a stretch.

"Why wouldn't I? I told you I would." Jimin found a seat next to the other on the forest ground, looking out along the pond. Yoongi remained in his position along the rock, still in his moment of waking up from his apparent slumber.

"Well, now that you're here, tell me something interesting," Yoongi peered down at the younger with a grin. Jimin caught his gaze for a moment, feeling shy under his curious watch, but he relaxed and thought about anything he could talk about.

He told Yoongi about his life back at home. He was an only child who lived with his Mother. He didn't have very many friends in the village, but he preferred it that way. When he wasn't taking care of his mother, he liked to spend his time in nature; searching for different plants and animals to observe, learning about the environment around him.

"Have you ever thought about what you've wanted to do with your life?" Yoongi asked in a soft tone, having moved from his position to lay on his back, looking at the sky in thought as he listened to Jimin talk.

Jimin pondered over the question, drawing shapes into the rocks with a stick. He gave a shrug, finally. "I just want myself and the others around me to be happy. I have little ambition for a life filled with success. I just want peace."

"You're a peculiar one, aren't you," Yoongi chuckled. He didn't give an explanation to what he meant, but Jimin didn't mind much. He always knew his mindset was a bit different from the rest of the kids in his village. While they always grew up striving to be the strongest, the most creative, or the smartest; young Jimin just wanted to go about his own business and live as he pleased. He didn't care if it was a dreamer's life, or if everyone thought he was odd for spending his time alone. His peace of mind and happiness couldn't be taken, in his quiet little village.

The next couple of days continued like this, as Jimin repeated his morning routine of caring for his Mother with the tissue box, and then his journey back to the pond. The first meetings were a bit awkward and shy, but as each day passed, the pair found themselves becoming more comfortable in their presence.

They had found an unlikely bond; the life of a human and that of a spirit, but they found satisfaction in learning about one another's life. Each day Jimin would tell Yoongi about his life, little stories of his childhood, and Yoongi would tell him of his.

"So you've lived in these waters for over a hundred years now? Isn't that terribly lonely?" Jimin frowned when Yoongi had told him. It was the morning of the fourth day, when Yoongi decided to tell the human of how he came to be. He wasn't always a spirit. He was born a man, a mere fisherman who fell into his own sin of greed. He spoke of the gods, and how they chose Yoongi's life as an example for many, turning him into a spirit to consume those who chose to walk the same path. Now, forced to live out his immortal life at the lonesome pond, he was instructed by the gods that he was destined to fulfill a purpose one day, one that would bring balance to the world.

"What is your purpose?" Jimin asked, intrigued with the story. Yoongi just gave the younger a soft chuckle, patting him on the back.

"That is a secret only I and the gods are allowed to know. All things work out in their own time."

"That sounds awfully cryptic."

"Aye, it is. I like a bit of mystery," the spirit chortled.

It was the fifth day that Jimin could finally see signs of his Mother getting better. She has been immobile for so long, that when Jimin watched her groan and sit up in her cottage bed that morning, he nearly dropped his bowl of porridge to run to her bedside, relieved tears prickling his eyes as he held her hand. "Oh Mama, you're awake. I'm so relieved," he whispered with a shaky voice, overwhelmed with the gratitude of his wish coming into effect.

He made the journey back to the pond that day feeling the happiest he's felt in a long time, and he couldn't wait to share about it to Yoongi. The spirit had already been there waiting, his back turned from Jimin as he appeared to be brushing through his hair, sitting on his favorite rock. Jimin couldn't help himself, he ran over to him and wrapped his arms around the other from behind, earning a startled huff spew from Yoongi's lips.

"Aish, Jimin, if I didn't know it was you, I would've backhanded you," Yoongi said with a gruff, stuck in the hug that turned his face pink. Jimin giggled from the reaction, letting go of the other so he could move in front of him, plopping down.

"My Mother woke up! She's getting better, and it's all thanks to you. I am so grateful, hyung." He spoke animatedly, toddling with his legs crossed. He looked so alive and well, that happy childlike nature doing little to hide Yoongi from smiling out of endearment for the younger.

"Of course she would get better. My wishes always work. It just takes time," Yoongi spoke, crossing his arms, earning a playful roll of Jimin's eyes from the typical attitude he has come to known from the spirit.

"I can't thank you enough. You have given my Mother's life back. She is getting better every day, and soon she'll be able to walk again." He sat up and stared at the other with the happiest smile, heart fluttering with excitement for the future and what it would be like from now on.

"It's nice to see you so happy," Yoongi said aloud, head tilting in habit whenever he was thinking of something, that same look of endearment crossing his features. "It suits you."

Jimin couldn't help it; the blush that grew over his face from the compliment. He looked away from Yoongi's stare, a weird unfamiliar feeling filling his chest in that moment. "It's all thanks to you.." He mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

Yoongi gave a soft chuckle, looking away to watch the dragonflies flutter above the pond, their conversation drifting away with the wind, but both shared the same rosy cheeks. "Hm."

Jimin returned home that night just as the sun had settled, the stars beginning to awaken from their slumber, twinkling in the darkening sky, and he had been replaying the events in his head of today. It was an odd feeling, the fluttering in his chest whenever he thought of the older. It was a newfound emotion that he'd never felt before; blossoming and making home in his heart.

He left the forest to sneak back into his village, torches lit to guide his way back to the cottage. As he settled in for the night, he wondered what the next few days would bring him. He fell asleep peacefully, a dream greeting him through the night; one telling of two koi fish dancing, a blur of orange and grey flowing in the water side by side.

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