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It has been six days since Jimin made his journey to find the magical Koi Spirit. Six days since he'd made his wish to save his Mother from her illness, and six days since he agreed to visit with the spirit every day since then. It was on the sixth day that the pair found themselves together once again at the pond, but this time a new atmosphere followed along with them.

Along the edge of the clear pond, the wind whistling by and the birds chirping overhead, the pair sat together with bare feet submerged in the water, watching the colorful fish swim by their feet and the dragonflies dance above the water. It was a very shy moment, but young Jimin had placed his head to rest on Yoongi's shoulder, the older not objecting to the small bit of skinship.

Each day brought about new boundaries to cross, however innocent they may be, as they spent more time with one another. Neither had ever truly spoken about it, but they both felt it in their hearts; that universal drift towards one another that left their faces a blushing pink.

Time presumably passed as the unlikely pair's feelings for one another grew; and while the fondness grew, Jimin's Mother would grow better as well. Jimin started to spend the longer hours at home with her when she was finally able to croak out a few words after many moons, and the boy was ecstatic to keep her company. This left less time to be with Yoongi, but the spirit waited patiently for the boy to return to him every day, understanding in the sense that family time was essential.

It felt like everything Jimin had ever hoped for had finally manifested itself, and it left him with an unshakable happiness blossoming in his heart. Spring brought about many changes. He witnessed the tulips bloom outside his cottage, the many nests hanging in tall oaks that carried newly hatched birds, young deer and rabbits following after their parents with wobbling feet, and the droplets of moisture clinging to the vegetation he walked by in his happy forest. Spring breathed life to the Earth and everything on it; including young Jimin, with his newfound relationship. However, Spring brought along the first signs of rainy weather with it as well.

It was the eighth day that Jimin woke up, feeling groggy and trying to coax away a headache from the new change of atmospheric pressure. He'd stepped outside his hut to look at the dark sky, watching how the clouds covered the sun. It was going to rain soon.

"Mama I'm heading out again, will you be alright on your own?" He stepped back inside his home, where his Mother gave a faint yawn from her bedside, getting up to fetch a kettle for some tea. Jimin smiled knowingly to himself, at the fact that she was able to walk on her own now. That she was going to be okay. Her ears perked up when she heard her son, a sleepy smile lifting on her features.

"I feel better than I've ever been. You go along now, little lovebird," she giggled with a raspy, yet youthful voice. Jimin couldn't help his face from turning red at the nickname, waving her away shyly as he started to pack up his belongings. His Mother insisted he stay long enough to drink some tea to rid his headache, so he waited and quickly gulped down the entire cup before running off for the forest where his beloved awaited.

The village seemed rather busy on this particular day, townsfolk running about their errands and several vendors had set up their stations along the gravel streets. Jimin had wondered if it was the possible rain that had the village bustling, but just as he crossed a corner, he could see the reason for it. Soldiers clad in robed armor came riding into the village, their horses stomping the ground with strong legs as they approached. Jimin let a soft gasp escape his lips and he took a quick step out of their way when they had trotted forward, not wanting to get trampled.

"Out of the way boy!" One of them shouted, giving an intimidating look in his direction.

Jimin never favored the kingdom and its soldiers. They rarely visited his village, but when they did, it was only to collect rations; sometimes always too much to the point they would leave little left for the hungry people living there. He hated the kingdom's constant greed, but there was little he could do about it.

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