Bakugous murderes everyone in a fit of rage :(((((((

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It's just another day in the life of class 1-A. Well, it's actually night time right now. After the whole "almost getting killed by villains" incident earlier today they decided to have some quality bonding time. Everyone has decided to sleep down in the main lobby of the dorms. How exciting!!!

Our dear friend Bakugou is definitely thrilled. You can just see it on his face. He 100% wants to be in a room filled with his dearest friends!

"Isn't this so much fun!!" Cheered Mina in her pink sleeping bag. She's sitting next to Uraraka and Hagekure along with the rest of the girls. Iida decided it would be best to split the room in half between the boys and girls, for safety precautions.

Our bestie Mineta sadly had to be sacrificed. He was wrapped up in Seros tape and then hung from the chandelier as the rest of the class chanted the songs of their peoples.

Don't worry he's still alive!! I think...

Anyway now everyone's beginning to get sleepy. They're all huddled together watching Harry Potter movies. But Bakugou knows what's about to happen. His worst nightmare is about to become a reality. Everyone's going to know his terrible secret.

He's... afraid... of snoring...

Well, not exactly afraid. It's more like he wants to murder everyone close to him anytime he hears the sound. This has been something Bakugou has suffered with all his life. When he was younger he had a pit bull named Matt. Matt was a very good boy. Bakugou loved Matt. But then Bakugou realized what a loud snorer Matt is. This particular sound angered Bakugou in a way that he'd never felt before.

Every time Matt snored Bakugou felt the blood begin to boil inside of him. He would try to cover his ears or block out the sound with other sounds, but he couldn't escape the god awful noise. There was only one thing Bakugou could do. One fateful night, while everyone was alseep. Bakugo snuck downstairs to visit his adorable mutt Matt.

Matt slept peacefully in his dog bed. Dreaming of eating all the turkey in the world.

Bakugou crept up silently, not daring to make a peep. Behind his back he held an axe. And with the axe he swung it above poor doggos head. Creating a splat that sparkled red. Finally, Bakugou could rest in peace.

Anyway back to the main story.

As the night continued onward the class began to get sleepy. Everyone slowly getting comfy inside their sleeping bags. Everyone except Bakugou.

As he watched his classmates his anxiety and anger only began to grow stronger. He was aware of the terrors he was about to face but he didn't know what to do.

Now leaving could've been an option, if it wasn't for the fact the the elevator has turned off for the night. This was installed to ensure the students safety throughout the night. But tonight it's about to be the reason for everyone's funerals.

Kaminari was the first to fall asleep. Luckily though, he wasn't a snorer which meant that things would remain calm for a while longer.

Towards the end of the movie Bakugou heard the first sound. The low echo sent goosebumps down his spine. His heart rate immediately rose but he tried so hard to fight the urges.

But the noises only grew stronger, and louder. Pretty soon it felt as if the sound was coming from every direction. Cornering Bakugou with absolutely no way out.

He curled up into a ball and tried covering his ears, but of course he was out of luck.

Every snore rattled his bones with rage and anxiety. He couldn't take it. He needed a way out. It didn't matter how he just needed it to stop.

With all his strength he forced himself out of his sleeping bag. He was now completely vulnerable with no protection whatsoever from the noise.

He went into the kitchen and took one off the bigger knives. He couldn't contain his tears any longer. They weren't tears of sadness, but rather ones filled with hatred.

He went back into the lobby and just stood there for a moment. He watched all his beloved classmates sleep so happily. How he wished it didn't have to end this way. If only he was able to be just like them. But alas the urges consumed him as ever snore grew louder and louder. It was unbearable. It was worse the Present Mics voice.

A single tear rolled down his cheek. He reached forward without looking at whoever's face it is and dug the knife straight through their bag. He felt the warmth of their blood on his hands. There's no going back now.

It was a massacre to say the least. Almost every student was brutally murdered at the hands of the great Bakugou. Until he reached Kirishima. He has made the mistake of taking a quick peak at his sleeping bag and recognized it was his. Suddenly Bakugous morals came back to him. He couldn't do it. What kind of monster would he be if he killed his own boyfriend?

Bakugou dropped the knife and began to sob. The guilt began to flood in as he realized what he had just done. The floor as well as himself was covered in the blood of his classmates. He was in fact already monster.

His sobs were so loud that they woke Kirishima up from his slumber.

"What the fuck happened!?" Yelled Kirishima. Bakugou wiped away his tears and looked at his boyfriends face. "Bakugou why are you covered in blood???"

Bakugou was speechless. He didn't know what to do. If he killed his boyfriend he wouldn't be able to live with himself. But if he didn't kill him then he'd be sent away to prison forever. Either way his life was over.

Bakugou picked up the knife. He looked Kirishima dead in the eyes, his tears still flowing out of his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. But you'll be with everyone else now." And Bakugou plunged the knife directly into Kirishimas heart.. Or so he thought.

Kirishimas quirk ended up splitting the blade in two. Bakugou gasped as the blade fell to the ground.

"What the fuck bro?!" Kirishima yelled, "You just tried to stab me!"

Bakugou was left speechless. He hadn't anticipated Kirishima would block his attack. Now what will he do?

Find out in the next chapter ;)


this story was written at 3am

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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Bakugou has Misophonia and kills everyone in class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now