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We took the first point in the fifth set.

That slightly made me feel less anxious.

Although, seeing Kageyama sitting on the bench, it made me feel even better.

He needs his rest, just as much as the others.

But Daichi, Asahi and Tanaka haven't left that court yet. Their legs must be hell right now.

"Wait, so if this is their last set, that means they only go up to 15?" Yachi asks.

"Wait really?" Big Sis also realizes.

"That's right. It goes by quick, so we have to be sure to stay close. The moment we split from them, we're done." Akiteru answers.

"Sugawara is a very capable setter, so it's easy to rely on him." Shimada explains.

"Yeah." Takinoue agrees with him, but they both go into a deep thought of regret.

I smack them in the back of their heads.

"Your mouths say one thing, but your face says another." I state.

We return back to the game and see Ushijima breaking through the block.

It was so powerful, it knocked the point system table over.

That demon.

More meaningful points flew by. Just like Akiteru said, this set goes by quickly. Too quickly to handle.

Suga gets the first touch on the ball. Noya jumps from the back, which meant nobody was there to follow.

They go into a synchronized attack and Suga gets the hit, resulting in a point.

Doing so many of those type of attacks, must be wearing down the players the most.

It's affective, but going all out and not hitting the ball has its casualties. Overriding everyone's bodies.

"I guess it was wrong for us to second guess Sugawara's skill." Shimada mentions.

That was the whole reason why I smacked you.

"Yeah, I totally thought he was gonna play it safe." Takinoue adds on.

It was already 3-1. But, Shiratorizawa called for a timeout.

"Already?" Big Sis wonders.

"This set goes by in a flash. Once the point gap gets too big, it's extremely difficult to catch back up." Shimada tells us.

The timeout was done in no time and Asahi was walking back to serve.

Within the past few weeks, Asahi and I have bonded over serving together. We would always practice whenever we got to chance too.

I just hope his improvements really show.

The ref blew his whistle and he throws the ball up.

Out of pure skill, the ball hits the net and Shiratorizawa wasn't able to pick it up.

"Alright! This time the ball hit out side of the net!" Takinoue got worked up.

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