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"Captain, I'm taking off." I mention.

"Okay, don't forget, practice this afternoon is extended! Save that energy." she tells me.

I slightly groan and stumble out of the gym.

Last night, I was up for hours, trying to make reservations for fancy restaurants. Just for my parent's anniversary, which they celebrate on Christmas.

"Hey Shorty, what's up with you." Kageyama bounces to my side.

I, without a warning, I clenched onto his arm and pressed some of my weight onto him.

"I'm so tired." I mumble.

To be quite honest, this is the closest I've ever gotten to Kageyama, hugging wise. In the end, I was just hugging his arm, while holding his hand.

Not complaining.

"Did you stay up late for those reservations? I told you to pick it up in the morning." he reminds me.

"I know, I know."

It slipped my mind last night, that he continuously kept telling me to sleep while we were texting. Until he fell asleep and stopped replying by midnight.

"Did you find one?" he asks.

I embarrassedly shake my head no.

Not only was I looking for a reservation, but also a birthday present. Since Kageyama's birthday was just 3 days before Christmas.

I still have absolutely, no clue, on what to get him.

"Come on, you have time to nap before class." he drags me towards the club room and grabs the key.

Since they didn't have practice this morning, nobody else was in here.

"Rest up, I'll make sure nobody else comes in." he tells me.

He turns off the lights and slightly opens the blinds, for a small amount of light.

I take a seat in the mat and lean against the corner of the shelves and wall. So, it was somewhat comfortable.

It's not like I can sleep, still not knowing what to get Kageyama.

It took all night, just to find a present that I put in the 'maybe' column.

The only time I've ever bought a present for a guy I wasn't related to, was for Oikawa's birthday.

Tch, cause that asshat made me.

All he wanted was milk bread and money.

But I can't do something like that for Kageyama. We get his favorite drink all the time and I've already gotten him his favorite food before.

"Hey. Why aren't you sleeping?" Kageyama asks me and squats down to my level.

"I'm not tired. I think I'll just go-"

"You're obviously tired. Your hands sorta twitch when you get sleepy. Plus, you left practice earlier than usual." he points out.

It's flattering to know he notices the smallest things. But, I can't stop thinking about what to get him.

"What's really going on?" Kageyama sounded to get a little worried.

"It's nothing, truly." I rush to say and quickly stand up.

He follows my actions; and with that, I slip on a piece of clothing lying around. But, Kageyama catches me.

{Third POV}

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