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The rays of the sun were seriously disturbing my sweet sleep. I turned to the opposite direction but this time around it did justice to my back.

I groaned inwardly and covered myself with the duvet. The sleep had cleared off already
but I'd rather remain in this position all day than face the reality of being Jordan's wife and stepping into this lonely mansion. seriously it sucks.

'Wait a minute! Irene is coming over today' I squealed. I have to get my lazy ass up. I sat upright and glanced at the wall clock.

It said 10am gosh! I don't usually sleep this late. I pulled the duvet completely and headed for the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After the refreshing shower, I wore a plain yellow polo and short jean skirt. I still haven't unpacked, I'm just lazy to do certain things. I tied my hair in a bun not after applying my citrus hair cream.

I recollected my steps to the dinning last night and successfully i arrived there after a lot of walking. Seriously this mansion should be converted to a hotel, it's just too large.

The maids immediately chorused a good morning and I hummed in response. I had toasted bread and beverage for breakfast, hmm really tasty. Each bite took me to heaven.

"Emily" I called out to the  chief maid. I was taking the last bite.

"Yes madam" as usual she bowed and folded her hands behind her. I told you they behaved like robots.

"I want you to prepare grilled chicken, pizza and strawberry drinks for two" I said making my way out of the kitchen.

"Yes madam" she answered with a bow. I got back to the room and began to unpack. My clothes seemed a little extra.

Aunty Cassie had gone shopping for a change of wardrobe and it didn't suite well with me.  I really didn't find it interesting because the items were really expensive. What's the essence when I'm absolutely not trying to impress  anybody.

I brought out a blue box where I kept my memorable items. I smiled at the now undersized hand bracelet mum had gifted me.

I placed the box in one side of the closet where Jordan won't be able to find it. Silly me he owns this closet so he will obviously know the nook and cranny.


"Gosh! April you live in a mansion" Irene exclaimed, her eyes looked like they would pop out anytime soon. She has said this like four times since she arrived here. I rolled my eyes. drama queen

"I know. It's not like I've been here for a week it's just a night" I replied her nonchalantly earning a scoff from Irene. I took a bite of the pizza in my hands.

"Come on girlie, you're going to be living here like forever!" she exclaimed. Did Irene actually have to remind me that I would live in rejection forever? She was now staring at the dinning area.

"Who knows, change may occur" I shrugged and groaned inwardly. I hate this topic of discussion. "Irene please can we talk about something better? I didn't call you here to remind me about my plight" I snorted and she scowled.

Soon we consumed half bucket chicken and one packet of pizza. We also watched 'Elevator baby' a Nigerian movie because of irene.

She could die for Timini. After what seemed like hours Irene left because it was already getting dark.

I walked back to my room only to be welcomed by solemn loneliness. I wanted to go with Irene or runaway but a prisoner can't. It really sucks

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