~Chapter Four~

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This chapter is dedicated to @XxLunarEclipse
lave ya!! thanx

I woke up in a dark room. I look around and saw that it was my room. then I heard a thud and a line of curse words. I began to panic. who is in my house? a robber? Donny? I hope it's not Donny. I got out of bed and made my way to the for my stomach hurt and so did my head. I don't remember what happened.

I went to the kitchen and saw the light blue eyes that made me feel warm again. I could see shock and concern in James' eyes. "Are you ok? Do you need anything for you head?" he said in a soft voice."My head? What does you mean?" I said with a confused face."You don't remember anything?" he asked. I thought from a minute. But nothing came back. "Go look in the mirror." he said softly.

I headed to my bathroom and look in the mirror I shrieked. I heard knock "are you ok?" concern in his voice ."y-yeah I'm ok." I said in shock at the huge black and blue bump on mine head. I lifted my hand up to touch it and wince in pain.what did i do yesterday? Then a certain name came to mind, Donny,

And then all the memories flooded back. I lift up my short to see a giant blck and blue bruise, I yelped. I step back shaking my head until my back was against the wall. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I cry out in pain and then the tears came. I started losing my breath. I rocked back and fourth chanting "t-this can't be ha-happening!!!" "W-why me?? Why m-me??"

Oh god James is still here. I thought. what am I gonna say to him?!?! I was mugged? No then he will call the cops I can say I fell down the stairs. Yeah that will work. I slowly stood up and washed my face off so he couldn't tell I was crying.

I went to the kitchen and found him cooking something on the stove. "Are you ok now?" He said with his back still turned away from me. "yeah I'm ok." I mumbled he turn around and looked me in the eyes. "Do you remember what happened?" I scratched my arm and said " yea I kinda fell down the stairs yesterday and hit my head. but ill be ok." His face went from a frown to a small smile. "ok that's good I guess." he says softly.

"so what are you making?" I asked he turned back to the stove "eggs." "oh ok and by the way thank you." I said looking at the floor beacuse I was embarrassed. he chucked and I looked up again. He was smirking at me with those drop dead looks of his.

"For what?" he looks into my eyes. I look away quickly and back to the floor. " for picking me up and taking me home and making me food." I say, still looking at the floor. He chuckles, " no problem. Are you sure your okay,?" I looked up. "Yeah ill be fine." he searches my face for something but I could not tell what for.

"Eggs are done." he turns around with a plate in his hands. He sets them down in front of me. I grab the fork and start eating he sits acrossed from me and watches me intently. "mmmm their good thank you." I said with a mouthful of eggs so it came out mmmm hhergoortankwho. He gave me a strange look and bent over laughing.

"Have you seen my phone?" I said realizing Donny probly tried to get ahold of me. "I set it on the counter in the kitchen." I mumbled a thanks and headed to the kitchen. I found it where he said it would be. I turned it on I had 15 texts and 7 missed calls from Donny.

I looked at the text and they all said please come back to my place I'm so sorry boo bear <3. He only calls me boo bear when he's actually sorry. I typed back i'll home tonight,love you baby <3. he answer straight away ok babe love you too. I stuck it in my pocket and went back to the living room to watch tv with James.


hey guys hope you like it!!!! comment please!!!!!! love ya, kaylee

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