Chapter 6

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Annie's POV
We stand in the centre. He snakes his arms around my waist we lean and kiss. After a couple of seconds I quickly pull away. I look at Hayden to see the hurt in his eyes. I look from Hayden to Case. I quickly sit down and put my hand on Hayden's.

"Are you ok?" I say in whisper. He looks at me. "You just kissed my enemy Annie!" He says in a quiet shout. " you really think I wanted to kiss him after what he did to me?!?" I snap back. "Annie I did—" he's cut off with a girl saying his name. "Hayden and Bella" she says with a squeal. They get up and meet in the centre.

They kiss but it turns into a make out session. I feel a lump form in my throat. I quickly stand up and leave the room. I walk into a bedroom and sit on the bed. I fell tears flow down my checks as I try to catch my breath. He's a player it's what he does. I need to stop these feelings before I get hurt.

I hear the door open and then shut close again. "Annie...I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier I don't want to lose you you're my best friend" Kenzie says as she comforts me. "Why do I feel like this? Why am I always second best kenz?" I say between sobs. She pulls me into a hug. After a long time of comfort I dry my tears and we walk downstairs.

I see Hayden and Bella together and my heart shatters. I couldn't take it anymore I ran out the door and all the way home. When I get in the house I see Hayley sitting on the couch. "Are you okay Ann's?" She says as she sits up. " I'm fine hay bug. Just take this piece of advice don't get too attached to boys cause they'll break your heart" I say as she lays her head on my lap and drifts off to sleep.

It's now Monday and I wake up to my alarm going off. I get up and go to my closet. I pick out and outfit and do my hair and light make up.

I leave the house and go to school

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I leave the house and go to school. As I am doing my locker Bella walks up to me. "Hayden's mine stay away from him" she's says in a harsh tone to me. " your not my mother you can't tell me what to do!" I say as I walk off. As I'm walking I bump into a hard chest but they catch me before I fall. I look up to meet his eyes.

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