Chapter Six: Kam <3

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Prompt #35 "Have I entered an alternate universe, or did you really just crack a smile for me," I smiled, "No you don't, you move the ends of your mouth up. Theres a difference."


Keefe threw the kernel of popcorn towards his boyfriend, Tam. The kernel made a beautiful arch, before stopping just short of Tam's mouth. Keefe sighed.

Tam glanced up from his phone. "You've been trying to make it for thirty minutes," he noted. "Just give up already."

"Never," Keefe said with a smirk, and threw another kernel of popcorn that hit Tam perfectly on the nose.

Tam groaned. "You don't know when to quit, do you?"

"Quitting? Never heard of it!"

Oh, the joys in dating an absolute idiot. Tam was always the victim, ever single time Keefe played a prank, or had too much time on his hands, or was just plain bored, like today.

He's an annoying, idiotic, stupid dork.

The next piece of popcorn soared above Tam's vision, but he felt land in his hair, and Tam had to restrain from shouting at Keefe.

Stupid, annoying, dorky idiot.

"Hey Tam," Keefe said, lining up for his next attempt of popcorn throwing. "I'm bored."

"Stop throwing the popcorn, and then we can do something."

"How about no?"

Idiotic, stupid, dorky annoyance.

Keefe closed one eye, focusing hard. His tongue was slightly out, and Tam refused to admit Keefe looked cute to himself.

Keefe threw the kernel, and it arched beautifully, before landing straight into Tam's open, waiting mouth.

Keefe stood up and did a happy dance. "What did I say Bangs Boy? I knew I could make it!"

Tam didn't even try to suppress his smile of amusement as he watched Keefe kick his feet and shimmy his hips all over the living room.

Keefe finally looked up, and caught Tam's grin. " Have I entered an alternate universe, or did Tam Song  really just crack a smile for me?" he wondered aloud.

Tam shook his head. "No, it's called moving the ends of your mouth up. There's a difference."

Keefe grinned. "Suuuuure Tammy Boy. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He's an annoying, idiotic, stupid dork.

But he's my annoying, idiotic, stupid dork.


Yes, after being not updating for an entire month, I provide you with a horrible, half thought out chapter
If sokeefe doesn't work out, my next ship would be Kam, just because the two of them would be adorable together

love you guys <333

- riya

Chapter Written 5/22/20

Chapter Written 5/22/20

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