Chapter 8

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Fuck. Ugh, the pain in my lower back is killing me. But Chester is still on it. The horny bastard.

"You felt so good Nico, oh fuck so tight!" He moan loudly as he push deeply inside of me. He is so rough and I honestly do not know if I can walk after this.

Then I felt him shoot inside of me. And after a while he limp down at my back, panting hard. He moved to his side and I grit my teeth when he 'pop' out of me. God! That fucking hurts!

Moving a little while grimacing I turn towards him, but the bastard is already snoring his ass off! Grrr...

I huff angrily as I slowly roll out of the bed, and limp a bit towards the bathroom. I need to clean myself there is no way I can sleep covered with cum all over. No friggin way! I flinch when the cold water hit my reddish skin, then I quickly wash my body from all of the dried sweat, blood and cum. God! Its so embarrassing, when I remembered all the things happened. He is so rough with me, that I can still feel him as if he is still stuck inside of me. But its so worth it. I can feel the mark in my neck.

He is truly my mate! I said to my self happily as I brush my fingers to his mark. I just need to mark him next then we will be truly mated, and we can be together forever..

After showering I walk back again in the room, and I'm surprised to see him awake and glaring at me.

"Hey, your awake already?" I softly ask as I sit at the edge of the bed. I felt nervous, why he is angry at me?

"Yeah, I woke up and you are not in here! You should have told me that your going to take a shower!" He snap angrily.

"What?! Why are you angry at me? For your information you are already sleeping, how can I tell you that huh? Fuck, your impossible!" I huff angrily and glare at him.

Then to my surprise his face suddenly soften. He let out a sigh and brush his hair with his fingers. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared that you left and you regret what happened so,.. yeah." He softly said looking at me pleadingly.

"Its okay, there is no harm done. But I still want to know, why you do this? Why you brought me here? And what are we now?" I ask him curiously. I know that he is a werewolf and I am his mate but it seems he is hesitating to acknowledge me at first. It must be because I am a guy, I think. And I want to hear from him what his reasons in doing such. He practically rape me after all, even if I enjoy it a lot in the end.

"Oh right, crap how will say this. Shit! Well ugh..." He is stuttering. How cute.

"Its okay Chester, just tell me."

"Okay, well Nico I am a werewolf and you are my mate." He said, Wow.. I knew it! "Ugh, no actually I had a mate before. But he died, and the Council told me that you are my replacement mate or second mate...." My mind become numb. He is still talking but I can't hear him anymore. I become dizzy.

Second mate..


Huh?! What?

"I'm just a replacement.." I softly said.

"Huh?" He ask, but I do not answer him. There is a lump in my throat and it became painful to breath..

"Hey, Nico. What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere. Hey?" He ask softly as he cup my face. But I jerk away from him. I saw the pain in his eyes but he covered it quickly. "Are you disgusted of me now that you know that I'm not human?"

I look up at him when he ask that, and it broke my heart seeing his face shrewded by pain. I laugh bitterly.

"I can't hate you Chester. Even if you are a werewolf. I like you too much for that. Heck, I even think that I love you." I told him as I smile at him bitterly.

"Then why? Why are you crying?"

I frown a little, and touch my cheeks. And he is right, tears are flowing down my cheeks. Wow! God, I do not know when I become like this. I don't cry, ever! Crying is only for weak. I angrily huff to myself as I wipe the tears by the back of my hand.

"Because, you see Chester. If your mate don't die, then you won't need me right. And god, you won't even glance my way. Or feel attracted to me. How can I be truly happy being your mate knowing that I am not the only one in your heart." I sadly said at him as I gaze straight to his eyes. I saw his eyes water. And for once I know that I'm right. He's still in love with his first mate. I just knew it!!

I felt my heart breaking to tiny million pieces, and I know that I'm only second away from losing it. I abruptly stand up, and gather my clothes and run towards the door. He is frozen shock, and I do not wait for him to snap out of it as I bolt out of the door.

I gasped loudly when I saw a lot of trees. Then I heard him call my name. I'm not in the mood to see him right now, so before he step out from his cabin. I willed my mind to concentrate and after a second a wave of wind envelop my whole body as I close my eyes. Letting the wind to bring me far away and free from all the pain.

When I open my eyes, I saw a vast ocean in front of me. I am standing in the edge of cliff butt naked. Chuckling to my self, I sit down and brought my knees toward my chest.

The pain hit me again, and I just let it go. I sob hard like a baby, tears cascading my face. I shout, curse and yell to the gods. They know all of it. And I know they heard me. When the sun suddenly disappear behind the thick black clouds. Loud thunder boom around and lightning strike hard. Big waves crash to the cliff. And the ground shook a little.

The irony of it all, I am standing now while the rain soak me from head to toe. If I can just die. How I wish I could do that, so that I can not fill this immense pain anymore. But fuck I can't, because I'm an immortal! Fucking Fantastic!!

I can not accept that I fell in love to a werewolf, who will only look at me as a replacement of his past love. I felt my mind throb. I know that he is trying to communicate to me through our bond. But I can't. I just can't.

I laugh bitterly. Why do we have mates? Or rather, why do I have to be a replacement mate of a werewolf. Oh the irony of that question. It maybe a little tantrum from my part. But I know that he is in love with someone else.

What have I done to experience this?


I am part God! For fuck sake!!!


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