Chapter 12

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My body begun to shake while Kimmton tug me towards the safe house. I'm scared for myself and for Chester. Why now?

"Nico!" Someone yell, stopping my feet from moving turning around I saw Chester running toward us.

"You're okay?" He ask.


"Okay, go with Kim you are safe with him. I still need to go with my brothers." He said while hugging me. Then the next thing I knew he already shifted to a wolf while he run away from us.

"Come on, Nico. I need to bring you to the safe house." Kim said as he begin to drag me away.

"But Kim, Chester needs me. And if you can fight them I can too!" I yelled as I pry his hands from my arms, but he held it more tightly making me grimace.

"No can do Nico. I know that you are immortal but you do not know how to fight. Even your kind can die too Nico." He said.

"Of course you would know about that huh, Kimmton- the Death Lord of Underworld." I hissed angrily at him. Making him flinched. Then suddenly his face become void of emotion. And I regret saying that to him. I knew he do not want to be called like that. And it pained to see him crumble like this.

"I never wanted to be a Death God, Nico. And be branded as a fallen one. But sometimes we can not choose our parents or the family we born from. But nevertheless, I won't change my family to the world. They are the one that is truly loyal to me. And now Deathon embrace me for what I am, I can't wish for more than I have. I am happy the way I am." He said softly.

"I'm sorry Kimmy, I know that is a sore spot. I do not intend to hurt your feelings or anything. Forgive me..."

"Its okay. Just don't say it again. No one else know aside from De. We were still waiting for the right time to tell them."

"Okay." I nod eagerly as I run beside him. The whole place is a messed. A lot of wolves are running down to the woods as the elders and children run towards the pack house. "Right Kim, if you know to kill every living things then, you sure knew how to kill Selena?" I suddenly ask.

He stop abruptly as he look at me like I'm stupid or something.

"Seriously!! I'm not expert in killing unlike you! Duh?!"

"Oh, you should have heard yourself! You're so gay!! Ewww!! But back to your statement Nico. You are the one told me that I can kill any living things. And I will ask you now dimwit, is Selena still living hmn??"

My lips form an 'O' shape when it become clear to me. Dang? Now what?! I even wanted to help Chester to solve his problem about 'Selena' and my only clue is Kim's true nature, then it won't be helpful too.. Ugh.. How frustrating!

"Noooooo!!!!" A sudden yell wake me from my daydreaming. Then my blood turn cold when I saw three werewolves ripping apart the body of a small child. They are like animals while they break and tear the flesh of the child. Kim's grip to me tighten. A woman carrying a newborn child are not far from them who is wailing defeatedly.

I felt a tug at my heart. And my fears where gone. A sudden anger come to me and filled my heart. Dark clouds form to the sky. Pools of air where scattered everywhere. Thunder boom around making the birds fly away. Lightning strike from the sky and the ground shake hard.

The three werewolves stop moving as they gaze move to me. And I almost smirk when I saw and felt their growing fear. Who would not?!

My demeanor change completely. My once shoulder length hair grown out passed my waist, and it seems to glow a golden color. My eyes become more livid as my anger towards them increased. How can they kill a child! An innocent one, who knew nothing!! Unforgivable!!

Then out of nowhere a ball of lightning strike them, pinning all of them to the ground. The electricity run to their bodies completely paralyzing them, then they suddenly become unconscious.

Well, that is weird! I thought to myself. I am still perplexed that someone just shoot those werewolves with ball of lightning and whoever is it. He knows that its someone who is powerful enough to beat him in doing it. But still he is thankful.

"Is that you?!" Kim suddenly ask. I almost jump at his voice. I forgot that he is with me. Ugh,.

"No, actually I think its weird. Why?" I ask to Kim who is crouching down busy checking the werewolves before who shift to- Wow! Ahem... naked men.

"That lightning is very powerful. And I thought you are the one who conjure it."

"Well, I'm planning to but someone beat me to it." I said.

"Whoever does it, must be someone powerful as a God. He or she do not kill these people. I can't believe someone can do this." He said as he shake his head. Totally bewildered.

"Why? What happened to them?" I ask getting nervous, by the look of him I knew its not something good.

"They're wolf is gone. Totally out from their body. They are just normal humans now.."

"What do you mean by that??!" A voice suddenly yell at them. Turning to its source, make them both gulp. As Trenton Blackwood saunter towards them. In. Total. Rage.

Not good.. Totally..


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