Short Convo

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( Blue's POV )
       I remembered that the jacket Dew gave me that night was still in my closet... It's very small now and it still looks cute... anyways, I'm gonna keep it...^^

Ding !

Someone texted me.. It's P'Dew...

     Come to my house at friday night, I'll fetch you....]

      What for ?]

       You'll know if we get there..]

       Fine then... But mom won't allow me]

        No worries, your dad said he would distract her then you can go with me...]

        He really said that?]

        Yepp, And maybe he thinks that we suit each other]

        In your dreams P']

        Now look whose being mean...]

         5555... Goodnight na... Em gonna sleep]

[Dew: good night

[Dew: good night

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        Hey ! That's a stolen shot! You're so meaaaaannn....]

        I think it's cute]

         Damn you... delete that one]


         P' !!!]

         Then let's  take a better picture... With you and me in one frame.. and I'll delete this one...]


Dew & Blue (boyxboy) : COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now