Lost boy

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This is my story on how I navigate through life and the hardships I face,but then everything changes. when I was one my parents died. I don't really remember them,people say they were good people but I can't help but feel like they were lying. When the funeral was set everyone from my family came. I was very confused and didn't know what was happening. People told me that my parents went shopping that day and said that they would never come back. I always wondered why they wouldn't come back but then when I turned 10 I found out that they were dead. I hated everyone from lying to me and betraying me that my parents were dead. When I went to school the next day everyone started to look at me,I could feel their pitiful gazes and how they kept saying"are you ok,do you need anything?" I got annoyed so I just started to ignore everyone so they stop feeling sorry for me. when I got home some people in black suits came by,they said"hey little boy do you know who lives here?" I shook my head and started to walk up the stairs,then one of the men took my arm and said"ok,then you'r coming with us." I was confused and didn't know what to do or say so I just followed them into a black car. When we reached the destination they said to come out and then we would talk. I nodded and then came out. We went into a room and then the person said"the people you were living with as sold you to us to pay off their debt." I looked at him and said"what are you sure I don't think so,do you have the wrong person?" He was searching for something and then pulled out a piece of paper. It was a contract,I looked at the persons signature and it was my uncles. Then I looked at the man and said"ok,what are you going to do?" The man smirked and then singled the other people that were standing behind me. One man took one of my arms and the other man took my other arm,then they carried me into a dark room and locked the door. I was scared I didn't know what to do,all I was thinking was about how could my own uncle sell my because of HIS debt. Then the next day some man came in and said"follow me," I followed him until we reached some strange room. I saw that there was some chair and a whip next to it,we went in and he pushed me unto the chair. When I flew onto it,I got locked in. Then the same man that Kidnapped me came in,he was walking toward me and when he kept getting closer I could feel some kind of cold aura."Your uncle said we could do anything we want with you",he says while grabbing the whip. Then he starts to walk closer and closer while smirking he signals the men in the room to go out. I'm just going to torture you a little so that you can forget everything. He puts the whip in the air and starts to whip me endlessly. I could feel the pain but I didn't scream all I could do was to sit there and let him whip me. When he was done I fainted,it felt so painful but I knew that if I did scream no one would come for me. every day he would whip me,I then didn't feel the pain anymore I just accepted it. 

One day the man came in and looked at me,he saw me glaring at him,I think he could feel my hatred and how much I wanted to kill him. His face looked surprised but then he smiled and walked back. I could kinda hear what he was saying,he was talking to other guys in black. They were talking about something to do with me and killing people. He came back and walked closer to me,this time he didn't grab the whip or hit me."do you want to be a hit man for us?"We think that you would be a good candidate". I snickered and said after all the hell you brought me"? He sighed and said"well I guess you can keep going through this hell then". I was confused but then thought if I did this then could I actually be good at something? I agreed and then started to train to be a hit man. 10 years later...

I am now a hit man,so far everyone is saying that i'm the best and all the jobs keep coming to me. I've killed at last 1000 people and have never missed any targets. The man that used to torture me has become my father,the only way I could be a hit man is to have a father that could be there and so he had to adopt me. With everything that had happen you could say that i'm getting more respect and people are saying that i'm the youngest and best hit man that has been in the industry. "Someone hired me again?" I said."damn Jake you just keep getting all the good ones"one man said, Then my "father" came out and gave me a new gun. He smiled and I could tell that he was proud of me,it was my first time that I felt that someone is proud of me. I went to the destination and stalked the person I was suppose to kill. Right when I was going to shoot a I felt someone touch me,I looked behind and a woman was standing in front of me. She was looking at me,her eyes were so pretty. She looked at my gun and change her facial expression to curious to shocked. I stopped looking at her eyes and stood up,she backed up and started to run. I ran after her and after caching up to her I had to make her past out so I gave her a drug. Then I quickly rain back to my spot and the person was to closed of getting away,right now he was going to go in the car I sniped him right in the forehead. I took the girl back to the headquarters and told everyone not to kill her. I put her in a room and wanted until she woke up. 5 minutes later......

The girl woke up,she looked confused but then when she saw me she remembered what happened. "Where am I? Who are you? What do you want?" I smiled and said"well you are in a room,I'm a hit man,and I don't want anything." She looked around the room and looked back at me. Her eyes were sparkling just like the first time I saw them,I kept getting dragged in them. She asked" so what do you want exactly, I mean like why would you put me in here if you don't want anything"? I smirked,"whatever you saw today I want you to forget it",I said trying to be a understanding person. She laughed and said"what happens if I don't." I looked at her and smiled,"well then I guess you can't leave." "I guess not" she said while her putting her feet on the table. I laughed and then walked away,just in case I locked the door and put the key in my shoe so she can't find it. The next day... I went into the room and sat down. "What's your name" I asked ,"Chloe,and you Mr.hit man" Jake". after that everyday we would meet and talk for hours. It felt comfortable,I've never been the talkative type but when i'm with her I can't help but talk. She was so cute whenever she would talk about something, I couldn't help but just stare at her whenever she talked. One day I realized I had feeling for her,then whenever I saw her my heart would just flutter. She smiled and said something that I couldn't quite hear but I know that it must have been something like I like you or something like that. "w-what did you say I didn't quite hear it" I asked to see if it was actually what I heard. She smiled and said" I  llllllllike youuuu",did you hear it that time"?  I smiled and turned away for a second,mt face was so hot I felt like I was going to die of heat. I turned around and said" I-I like you too". Her face also turned red and then she smiled,I was so happy that now the woman that I love loves me too. Then I told everyone and my "father" was smiling. It was my first time seeing him smile like that all the time I was here. 4 months later....

We are married. It's been about a week and I couldn't be happier,my dead parents are looking at me smiling I could their love. Chloe has gotten pregnant and we're trying to name the child,if a boy Jeff if a girl Rose. Everyone is happy for me,of course I'm still a hit man even though Chloe doesn't really approve of it I promised to shoot only bad people. Life is a mystery,sometimes you would go through hardships and sometimes you would go through happiness. I'm glad that I have met Chloe and even though I had it rough from the beginning it has changed,Im thankful for everything and every one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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