Chapter two

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JiHye's pov

I woke up the next Morning at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm clock. "Arghhhhh 5 more minutes". I whined.

ChoonHee was still asleep so I just left her to sleep. I walked down stairs to find a note on the coffee table in the lounge room. I walked over to the note and picked it up so I could read what it says.

Dear JiHye & ChoonHee,
Im sorry but I have to go to work and I'm not sure when I'll be home, the foods in the fridge and if you need to go out and get anything else like more food or drinks I left $500 under the fruit bow. JiHye make sure you look after ChoonHee, and ChoonHee make sure JiHye doesn't do anything stupid. I love you both.
From Mum xoxo.

I walked back upstairs after reading the note, I went into our room and got out a pair of denim jeans and a white tank top and a red sweater then went to the bathroom to get changed. About ten minutes later ChoonHee was still asleep so I went to go wake her up. "ChoonHee wake up". I said as she tapped ChoonHee shoulder.

"What?". ChoonHee said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

" let's go do something today mum isn't home and she doesn't know when she's getting back". I answered.

"Ok let me get dressed then". ChoonHee said as she fell back asleep.

"Hey ChoonHee wake up". I said as i tapped her shoulder again.

"Ok I'm coming". ChoonHee replied and sat up.

ChoonHee got up and got a change of clothes, she grabbed a pair of light blue jeans and a white singlet top and a light pink sweater. About 5 minutes later they were down stairs with about $50 so if they wanna buy anything they can. "Let's go". I stated as I walked to the door and opened it. We walked for about 10 minutes to the mall, we saw a sign saying that SMEntertainment is having auditions for people to become apprentices. "Omg really? Cmon let sign up please". ChoonHee begged.

"But wouldn't we have to let mum know so that she doesn't worry?" I asked.

"Please". ChoonHee pouted.

"Okay..." I replied.

"Okay let's do what we want for the day then send SM a message". I stated.

"Okay". ChoonHee cheered.

They finished what they were doing at the mall and then went home.

ChoonHee's pov

We arrived back at our house and we ran straight upstairs to our room to get to the computer. We went to SM's website and signed up for the auditions. We put in our age and date of birth, gender and height, we finished the application and then decided to practice one of our favourite songs which is 'On and On' by VIXX, JiHye plays the music and we start singing to the music and start to practice the dance.

*********30 minutes later*********
We finish dancing and singing and decide to take a break. "Soo... Do you think we can get in?". I ask.

"Yeah I think we can get in, we just have to give it our all". JiHye smiles.

I smile back and then walk over to the computer to see if our application has bee accepted. I get to the computer and see an email from SM so I call JiHye over so she can read it as well.

Dear JiHye and ChoonHee,
We received your application for the auditions and we would love to have you to try to come to the auditions. Congratulations! The first audition will be on the 15th of this month, you will be judged buy 2 professional idols of SMEntertainment. Thank you for sending us your application we can't wait to see you at the auditions. And good luck.
From SMEntertainment.

"OMO WE ACTUALLY MADE IT!!!" JiHye squealed.

"I KNOW I CANT WAIT UNTIL THE AUDITIONS!!!" I squealed back in reply.

We were so happy when we read the email that we lost track of time. At 9:00 we decided to try to get some sleep.

The next morning I end up waking up before JiHye even though I always wake up at least half an hour after her. I couldn't sleep properly last night because I was still so excited, but it seem JiHye managed to get more sleep then me. "JiHye wake up". I said as I walked over to her bed and poked her.

I had no response because she was in a deep sleep, I saw a book on her bedside table which looked like a diary. I decided to leave it where it was just in case it has anything private inside. "JiHye wake up or I'll read your new diary". I lied to try to get her up.

"What?". She stated as she sat up quickly to make sure her diary was still the way she left it.

"Haha you shoulda seen your face, it was so funny". I laughed.

"OMO you scared me". JiHye exclaimed.

"Sorry". I apologised.

"It's ok". She replied with a small smile.

"Wanna go get some new clothes so that we have something nice to wear at the audition?" I asked.

"Sure". She replied.

JiHye's pov

"Wake up or I'll read your new diary". ChoonHee said with a small chuckle.

"What!?" I stated as I quickly sat up and looking to make sure my diary was where I left it.

"Haha you shoulda seen you face, it was so funny". ChoonHee laughed.

"OMO you scared me". I exclaimed.

"Sorry". ChoonHee apologised.

"It's ok". I replied with a smile appearing on my face.

"Wanna go get some new clothes so that we have something nice to wear at the audition?" She asked.

"Sure". I replied.

We quickly got changed into anything we could find and then went back to the mall where we were yesterday. We went into Myer and chose what we wanted to wear. ChoonHee was looking at all the pink coloured dress and a couple of blue ones, in the end she ended up choosing a pink coloured dress. while she was choosing her dress I chose my dress which is a dark purple. We chose our dresses and then went to a small cafe in the mall, we both ordered a vanilla latte. we finished our latte's and then decided to go home. "Wow I love these dresses. What about you?" I ask.

"I love them to Eonni". ChoonHee replies.

We decided to sit down and watch some television since we will probably be to busy tomorrow. "Hey ChoonHee I'm gonna go to be so that I'm not tired tomorrow okay?" I state.

"Okay I'll go to bed soon I just wanna watch the end of this". ChoonHee replies.

I walk into our room and get changed into my pj's and go to bed. It takes me about 5 minutes to get to sleep. When I was asleep ChoonHee comes into the room and grabs her pj's and goes into the bathroom to get changed and goes to bed.


Here's another chapter for you to read. I hope you enjoyed this one to😄😝.

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