the plan/i totally forgot.....

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Joshua's pov

Its 7am and i woke up about 30 minutes ago i ate and now im just lying in bed. I wanted to get up early just in case tim or olivia called.

After about an hour i got really bored to i decided to try and text olivia to see if she was awake.

Joshua, hey liv you awake?

After i sent the message i looked at her name for me and i just blushed. It was joshyy. I just sat there and smiled waiting for her to reply.

Olivia's pov,

I woke up and checked my phone. It was almost 8am. I didn't have any missed calls so i was linda bummed. I unlocked my phone and my face lit up like never before. I could feel my cheeks burning.

I couldn't believe it it was joshua he had texted me. I quickly opened the message.


Joshua, hey liv you awake?

Olivia, yes just woke up, has tim called?

Joshua, no i wish. So are you excited about what the news is?

Olivia, yes very, how about you?

Joshua, yes oh wait ill call you in a sec tims calling."

After we where done texting i looked at his name fore me in his phone and it was so cute it was liv. After a minute of texting josh told me tim was calling and hed call me in a sec.

For some odd reason i was super excited to talk on the phone with josh. Once we where don't texting i went downstairs and had breakfast.

Joshua's pov,

I told liv id call in a sec and answered the call from tim.

Tim, "hey josh im coming to pick you and liv up and ill tell you the plan on the way to the airport."

Joshua, "ok but what should i bring."

Tim, "bring cloths and other necessity's gotta go be there in 10, oh and don't forget to call olivia."

After the phone call i quickly called olivia and told her what tim told me.

About 30 minutes later tim showed up and already had liv and another person wich i didn't know.

I sat in the back next to liv, she looked nervous.

Olivia's pov,

Tim picked me up then josh, when josh got in the car i was super excited and kinda hoped hed sit next to me.

When josh got in the car and he sat next to me i was super nervous.

Joshua, "hey liv are you nervous?"

Olivia, "n,n,no i stuttered."

Joshy just looked at me, "are you sure liv" he said smirking.

Olivia, "only around you joshy."

i smiled and looked away.

Joshua's pov,

Omg she just called me joshy. I felt butterflies. When liv said "only around you joshy" i instantly smiled and looked away. I didn't want her to see me blushing.

Tim then started talking and telling us the plan.

Tim, "ok so here's the plan you two already somehow have chemistry but i need you to have more so my assistant here is going to escort you to the cabins were staying at for filming early."

Me and liv just looked at each other.

Tim, "ok so you guys will be the only ones there because you need the most chemistry for the show. The rest of the cast you will meet in 10 days. So i want you and olivia to bond over the 10 days. When the rest of the cast gets there ill explain more. There's food and money on a card in the safe. The code 2159. Make sure you don't spend too much. But still have fun."

I could feel butterflies in my stomach i was so excited to be in a cabin with liv for a whole 10 days alone. Im super excited to get to know her better.

Olivia's pov,

When i heard the news i was so happy i instantly started smiling.

1 hour later.

When we got to the airport we had to board so we went and got to our seats and sat down.

Joshua's pov,

About 2 minutes after we sat down i felt something touch my hand.

I looked down and it was liv.

Liv, "hey joshy i hope this is ok i just get really nervous during take off" she explained.

Josh, "yes of course" i said squeezing her hand tight.

After take off liv ended up falling asleep on my shoulder until we got there. Once we landed i woke her up and we followed Tim's assistant to the cabins.

Liv's pov,

Joshy woke me up and we went to the cabins. Once we got there we went to our rooms and unpacked.

After awhile joshy came into my room and asked what we should do first.

"Hey liv what should we do first" she asked.

"We could go to the hot tub" i suggested.

"Sure I'll go put my swimming trunks on" josh said.

"Same" i replied.

Josh's pov,

I went to change into my bathing suit and all i could think about is seeing liv in her bathing suit.

I got ready and waited for liv. Once she was ready we walked down together she had a silk thing on over her bathing suit and i had a shirt on.

Liv's pov,

Once we got to the pull josh took off his shirt. When i looked over at him i started to stare.

Josh, "hey liv....liv....liv are you ok" he partly yelled.

Liv, "oh...ummm...yes....sure yea im fine" i said in between blanking back out.

"Ok well im gonna get in the hot tub" he replied.

"Ok just a sec" i answered.

I took my silk thing off and as i was i could see joshy kind of starring i didn't say anything though.

Josh's pov,

i saw liv taking her silk thing off and i kinda starred. As she walked over to the hot tub we made eye contact the whole time.

When she got in the hot tub she sat next to me we where an inch away from touching.

"So umm what do you wanna talk about" i asked

"Umm i don't know but i have a few idea's" she said.

Liv's pov,

I was so distracted by his brown hair and perfect smile and lips.

I suddenly got chills down my whole body. I looked down and joshy's hand was rubbing up and down my thigh.

Josh's pov,

I started rubbing my hand up and down liv's thigh. After a few seconds she started breathing really heavy.

"J.j.j.joshy" she said stuttering.

"Yes" i said smirking as i connected our lips.

She then climbed on top of my lap and kissed me back. I then slowly made my way kissing and leaving marks down her neck.

We just met but i felt like I've known her forever. She was so beautiful and gentle.

Liv's pov,

I got on josh's lap and started kissing him back. Then he started kissing my neck and i felt amazing. I started breathing really heavy.

Then it hit me........

Authors note: ooooo and cliffhanger. Im posting the next part tomorrow. Hope you enjoy. Sorry if this is kinda cringy but its fine.

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