The breakup!

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Liv's pov,


i immediately got off josh's lap.

Josh, "hey what happened?" She asked

Liv, "josh im sorry i just can't" i said as getting off his lap and out of the hot tub.

Before he could say anything else or catch up i gathered my things and ran to my room. I locked the door so no one could get in.

Joshua's pov,

Me and olivia where making out in the hot tub when she just freaked and ran. I tried to stop her but i couldn't she ran to fast.

I just sat there in shock for a minute thinking about everything. Did i scare her? Did i move to fast? Was she uncomfortable? I don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about everything i gathered my things and went to my room. I didn't want to bother liv in person so i just sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

After about 30 minutes in had been silent for awhile so i decided to text liv.

Josh, hey liv are you ok? What happened? We don't have to talk just let me know you are ok?

Liv, yeah.

I didn't open liv's message but i saw it. After that night i stayed in my room and watched tv. Alittle while ago i tried asking liv if she wanted food but she didn't answer i assumed she was asleep.

4 days later....

Josh's pov,

Liv has come out of her room for water but that's it. She wont eat or talk or even look at me. She has a bathroom and tv in her room so it wasn't to bad.

I've tried helping her but she just gets angry at me and the cries. I honestly don't know what to do. I decided to text the rest of the cast and tim.

Liv's pov,

Josh's pov,

I asked tim to bring the cast early because i knew there where girls so they could maybe tell me what's wrong with them.

When the cast got there i immediately told them what's up.

Josh, "ok hi im josh um i know you got here earlier than you intended but i need help. Liv who plays nini in the show is really upset shes barely left her room in 4 days and she gets mad when i try to help."

Dara, "ok i can try and help but you gotta tell us everything that happened."

Josh, ok well we went to the hot tub and we started making out and stuff but she suddenly pulled away and shes been in her room since.

Julia, "dude you messed up she has a boyfriend."

"WHAT" we all yell. (Except frankie, who already knew).

Frankie, "yeah you haven't seen her instagram."

I immediately ran to my room and locked the door.

Dara, "ricky wait plea" dara started but was cut off by my door slamming shut.

"Well what do we do now" larry asks.

"Us girls will go to olivia, and you guys go to ricky" sofia suggested.

Everyone agreed.

Liv's pov,

I had texted ethan a few days ago and told him what happened.


oh now what do i do? What if he ends it? What do i do? How could i? Why would i? Im so stupid.

I decided to text ethan and tell him about what i did. I DIDN'T get into detail though.

Liv, hey ethan i have to tell you something and your not gonna like it and before i say i want you to know im so sorry.

Ethan, hey baby what's wrong? And why are you calling be ethan? What happened?

Liv, i kissed someone else. I know what you thinking who but im so sorry i didn't mean to it was the heat of the moment and when i realized what i was doing i stoped.

Ethan, wow....i don't even know what to say. how? And with who? And where are you right now?

Liv, i got the part to the show i tried for. The director made me and my co star leave last minute to the cabin early. To bond. But we went to the hot tub and it just happened.

Ethan, WHAT your co star who?

Liv, his names ricky.


Liv, im so so so so so so sorry baby i really am.

Ethan, no your not and DON'T call me baby.

Liv, what?

Ethan, don't call me baby olivia where don't it over don't call or text. I do t ever wanna talk to you again.

Liv, wait ethan please.

Ethan, NO you lied about EVERYTHING. Just leave me alone. Go to your new boyfriend maybe he'll put up with you.


I could never reply because he blocked me on everything including my number.

I haven't come out of my room much. Josh tried talking to me but i pushed him away everytime.

Today i heard knocks on my door from who knows who. Im assuming it was the other girls in the cast but im not sure.

I didn't answer.

Josh's pov,

I soon heard knocks on my bedroom door but i didn't answer i didn't care. I ignored it.

"HELP PLEASE" i heard someone scream.

I immediately ran to them.

I saw what they where doing and i started to panic.

the boys soon after walked up behind me.



Hahahhahahha a cliffhanger next part to later. I hope you enjoy and please vote.

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