What happened?

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Josh's pov,

I froze. I couldn't move i didn't know what to do i was so shocked. All that ran through my head is this is all my fault.

Liv's pov,
(2 hours earlier)
I was in my room and i got really depressed and upset. I had found a bottle of vodka in the kitchen and snuck it back to my room.

After about an hour the vodka was gone. At this point i was confused and upset.

"Ow, fuck" i said quietly to myself so no one could hear me. I fell and broke the bottle and it cut up my arms. I was bleeding really bad. I rapped a towel around my arms and sat there. 10 minutes before i broke the bottle i heard ricky talking to the rest of the cast.

I didn't want to tell them i cut myself because i was so upset and confused about everything.

About 20 minutes before the cast practically broke into my room i fell to the floor from being nauseous from the blood loss and alcohol.
(Back to present)
When they burst into my room i was lying on the floor bloody and practically passed out.

Josh's pov,

Those same thoughts went through my head till i heard someone call my name.

"JOSH" dara and julia said as they where over next to olivia.

I then quickly snapped out of it and went over the the cast who by then where all by olivia.

"OMG WHAT DO WE DO" larry said in a scared voice.

"josh help me carry her to the car" matt said.

I was so worried and scared. I don't know what happened but my boyfriend instincts kicked in even though where not dating.

I went over to olivia and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the car. Me, matt, sofia, and dara rushed Olivia to the hospital.

Dara and olivia were holding liv's wrists to help slow down the bleeding while i drove and matt was in the passenger seat.

We where all freaking out and scared and confused on what happened. I speed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital i carried her inside and the doctors took her away. They told us to wait in the waiting room.

After about 2 hours the doctor came out.

"Hey you guys are the ones who brought the girl in earlier right?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, oh and her name is olivia" i replied.

"Ok thank you. We stitched her arms and gave her tylenol for the headache. We also tested her for drugs. Why was she drinking alcohol?" The doctor said.

"Ok thanks doc, but we don't know why she was upset and somehow she got alcohol and the broken bottle was on the floor when we found her so we assumed that's how her wrists where cut" dara exclaimed.

"Ok well she's extremely lucky you guys found her when you did because any longer and she would've bleed out" the doctor explained.

"Uh, doc is she up for visitors?" Sofia asked.

"You guys should go home she probably won't be up till morning she's still asleep" the doctor answered.

"Ok" matt replied.

"So you guys should go home and help the other clean up all the blood and stuff" i said as i yawned a little.

"What about you" sofia replied.

"I wanna be here when liv wakes up i wanna know if she's ok and what happened. Ill let you guy's know if there's any updates" i told them.

"Ok well i can drive you guys home in josh's car and i can pick you up when liv is ready. Is that cool josh" matt suggested.

"Uh, yeah that's cool" i replied.

We all said out goodbyes and everyone but me left. I sat in the waiting room on my phone waiting for the doc to come out and say liv woke up.

**Back At The House**
          Sofia's pov,

"Hey guys where back" i yelled.

Everyone came running but before they could ask i answered all there questions because i knew they'd ask.

"Before you ask, liv is ok she got stitches. The doc said she would've bleed out if we didn't didn't hee when we did. She drank alcohol and a ton of it that's how the bottle broke and cut her arm's" i said as everyone had a kind of scared but concerned look on there faces.

"So where's josh and why isn't he with you?" Larry asked.

"He wanted to stay with olivia incase she woke up" matt replied.

"And before you ask no she cant have visitors right now she needs rest" dara added.

"Ok lets clean up the blood and take showers and maybe get some rest before we go see liv in the morning" frankie suggested.

We all agreed and started cleaning up. After clean-up we all got showers and headed to bed.

**back at the hospital**
         Josh's pov,

Its been about 4 hours now and I've been on my phone and i took an hour nap. I woke up about 20 minutes ago. I checked my phone to see the time. It was 5am, i was so tired but i didn't want to leave olivia alone.

Around 5:30am the doc finally came out and said liv was awake. I was so happy. I followed the doctor to her room and sat on the bed beside her legs.

The doc had left the room. Liv looked really awake though. She looked refreshed. She didn't look like she had a hangover at all.

"Hey liv how are you doing" i said in a low soft voice.

"Im ok i guess, thank you joshy you really saved me" liv replied.

"No, liv you don't have to thank me, your amazing and smart and funny and you deserve everything you could ever want" i said still in a soft voice.

Liv just looked at me for a second and a tear rolled down hee face.

"Apparently not everyone thinks that" liv said and i could tell by her voice she was about to cry.

"Aww liv don't cry what happened? Why where you drinking? And how'd you cut you wrists" i asked with a concerned tone as i was hugging her.


Yayyyyy another cliffhanger. Well ill post the next chapter hopefully tomorrow. Sorry it took so long for this one. Also if i say there stage name instead of there real name im so sorry its kinda confusing but i try my best to fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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