HSA: Allied Shinobi Force & the Final Prophesy [Part A]

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Impasse — Destiny in Motion!

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Impasse — Destiny in Motion!

Hours Earlier:

"Even though you had a hard time, you sure gained a nice eye," Kabuto said quietly, looking down at his colleague, who had suddenly equipped a new and more fashionable mask.

"It was mine to begin with," Madara corrected coolly, sitting on the ground in his new get-up honoring the Uchiha Clan, studying the man before him.

Kabuto was perfectly tucked away in a hooded coat, as if he were an innocent introvert. But the snake he had as a tail readily reflected how contrary that proposition was; the man was a conniving fiend, just like Orochimaru.

"We got this, as well," Zetsu informed with a smug smile upon his arrival, his torso pushing up eerily from the ground.

"And that is?" Kabuto veered his attention to the scroll.

"Intel from Kisame. We know where the Kyuubi is."

"Looks like things are finally starting to go our way," Dark Zetsu mused as his other half, White Zetsu, handed over the scroll to Kabuto.

"Eh. This is from Kisame?"

Madara drove the steel rod at the tip of his new weapon into the ground as he pushed to his feet, his cool disposition winning everyone's attention. "We're going to get the Kyuubi!"

"Wait," Kabuto interjected, smiling intently underneath the darkness of his hood. "I'll go to where the Kyuubi and the Hachibi are."

There was a moment of silence.

"Why would you do that?"

"It's a good opportunity to get you to trust me in our common goal. Also, wherever the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki goes, a copy of the First Hokage called, Yamato, goes with him. I want his body for my experiments.

If I can't have him —" he veered his eyes to the side, casting Zetsu a sidelong glance — "I could take this Zetsu's body, instead. That is, if he'd share some of it with me."

Zetsu frowned, both light and dark sides.

"It's not like that would delay the plans for the Juubi's resurrection."

Madara's head tilted a bit in his caution, deliberating. "You seem to know a lot. Apparently, Orochimaru managed to secretly find out quite a bit."

Kabuto smiled, his serpentine eyes glinting behind his glasses. "According to the intel we got from Kisame, the Shinobi Alliance army has a total of about eighty-thousand soldiers. We also know where they're stationed. But the base of our military power is Zetsu, right?"

"Just how much do you know?" Dark Zetsu uttered, their body tilting in apprehension.

"With my knowledge and the research data I've gathered, I'm certain I can make him stronger — but only if you take me there."

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