🍥ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜🍥

17 2 0

A/N: So I fixed the underline problem in the last chapter, and guess what? THIS STORY NEEDS MORE LOVE. PERIOD. Lmao ima get back to fucking my rubber ducky.


They all took deep breaths after that claustrophobic incident lacking good air.

With their jaws swinging and eyes bulging, they inspected their surroundings carefully. Walls towering up to the sky were covered in graffiti and old posters, and the nearest objects were empty beer crates and dumpsters. A sooty black cat with an unusually loud bell attached to its neck whizzed past the group, startling Sakura a little.

They seemed to have spawned in an abandoned alleyway, but what caught the majority of their attention was what was to be seen at the end of the alley. Colourful lights danced before their eyes, the wafting aroma of dumplings, ramen and dango inhabited the nooks and crannies of their lungs. Commotion could be heard from afar, but the general noise pollution muffled the chance of hearing any non-gibberish conversation.

Shikamaru and his IQ were sitting on his ass, dumbfounded. What in the world had happened? This place, or, what they could see of it, was nothing like Konoha. He had been to most villages too, but still, the sight of this was spectacular. Since when did technology adapt so fast that the engineers of Konoha still didn't know about it?

He was hit in the head with a smashing realisation, knocking him out of his senses for the briefest of moments. His heavy lidded eyelashes fluttered open to see four concerned faces peering down on him. He cringed at the look Sasuke was giving him, one of disgust.

"We are not in our old world anymore..." he said, trying to take the attention off him. He earned some earnest, surprised glances from the other four.

Sasuke looked at the pineapple-headed ninja. Surely he was joking, he had hit his head when he was knocked out, so he was probably speaking nonsense. But it couldn't be. No matter how many blows to the head he received, Shikamaru would not talk nonsense, it just wasn't his thing. Some part of him was still soaked in doubt when an old memory fanned back to him.

"That's one of our options to put faith in," Sasuke began, all attention pinpointed on him "but has anyone here heard of the Infinite Tsukuyomi?" He asked, genuinely curious.

Kakashi's eyes widened, having heard of that term many times before. He hadn't known Sasuke had the knowledge of the Mangakeyo Sharingan, let alone the blood moon Tsukuyomi. But something didn't add up here, he could smell it. A bolt of realisation skyrocketed horizontally through his brain.

"We didn't see our foes," Kakashi began in a passive tone, averting his gaze to Sasuke, "so I doubt it was a Tsukuyomi, as we have to look into their eyes physically, plus we were in broad daylight..."

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, feeling stupid for not realising that. It took every other blood cell in his body to keep the blush from rising further than his curse mark. He was grateful the looming darkness had condensed as a cloud had smudged the moonlight, hiding his facial expressions. Though the heat he was subconsciously radiating was making his skin prickle.

Naruto felt heat radiating from Sasuke, and he did his best not to giggle. His amusement was short-lived, when the sound of smashing glass vibrated in their eardrums. Kakashi's neck snapped to where the noise had generated from, his gaze as hard as stone.

Two abnormally twitching figures stooped towards them, their movements lanky and haggard. A few wheezes later one of them spoke in a high pitched voice.

"a-aa-aah whha-at ddo wee haab heeer..." he gurgled, the after-effects of excess alcohol taking a toll on him. He began to snigger maniacally, spurting mucus tinged pink from his overly wide nostril cavities. His partner mirrored his demeanor, giggling in a much too feminine way for his massive, masculine build. Sasuke snorted, and Naruto was swimming in confusion.

Kakashi stood up and furrowed his eyebrows. He glared at the two men, who immediately began to back away. He pulled up his headband to reveal his Sharingan, of course not to hurt them, only to shoo them off. When the moon came back, it glinted on his left eye. Two cadaverous, choking gasps were heard from down the aisle.

"Devil, Devil!" they screamed, running with their arms flapping above their lopsided heads. Kakashi sniggered at the scene and pulled down his headband again.

"Hell yeah take that you bastards!" Naruto said, performing his small victory dance. They barely did anything, but they just recovered from shock, and this felt like a great success.

Sasuke got his ass off the ground and began dusting it.

"Everyone be on your guard; we have no clue where we are, or who our enemies may be." Sakura whispered, her tone of voice Tsunade would have been proud of.

Everyone nodded, and Kakashi smiled under his mask, it was sweet seeing his students having grown mature over time. But now wasn't the time. He stood up and braced him and his silver haired ass for what was to come.

They all began walking towards the light in slow motion, like they do in those 'badass movies', according to Naruto.


Thousands of people, normal people, scurried across the streets. Children, adults and the elderly were all present, either walking and looking inside shops, or looking into these strange, light up interactive things. The group had no idea what they did, they all came in different shapes and sizes, colours and accessories. One man put his gadget up to his ear and began conversing with what seemed like nobody. They stared, mouths agape. Nevertheless, they took their time to marvel at the architecture.

Tall buildings, short structures, revolving towers and what not littered their gaze. Huge banisters advertised a plethora of products, from strange adaptations of their normal diet to new gadgets made to supposedly make your life easier. A gargantuan wheel, which almost touched heaven with blinking lights here and there glittered

"Wasn't it daylight before we came here?" Sasuke asked Shikamaru, looking puzzled.

"Say, Sasuke. Have you ever heard of time zones?" Shikamaru half-asked half pointed out.

Sasuke looked dumbstruck. How had he not taken that into account? Regardless, he stiffened his shoulders and quirked an eyebrow at the brown-eyed shinobi before him.

"We are either in a different country, or a different world altogether..." Shikamaru mused, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"No other country has technology this advanced-" Naruto blurted, after hearing part of the conversation.

"He has a point," Sakura said, piping in with an unusually deeper voice. Everyone looked at her, half-surprised, half-confused.

"Well that settles it then," Shikamaru pointed out tiredly "Were in another dimension. I wonder if the hotels here have soft beds."

Everyone groaned, the weight of their bodies pressing down on them after the adrenaline had evaporated.  They were all tired, hungry and ragged. They began walking the opposite direction towards the shadowy depths of this new world.

"I SMELL RAMEN" Naruto's head snapped up with a sickly crack, and he began drooling internally. Everyone sweatdropped.

"Idiot" Sasuke muttered with a naughty grin stapled to his pale complexion.


Three shinobi and a snake man watched their moves from a glowing blue orb stationed on a lavish silk pillow. Their demented proportions highlighted different colors from the lights on the wall. 

"Lord Orochimaru- if we ever have to get in there, how will we get out?" the peachy headed one asked, an earnest look pasted to her face. Orochimaru just grunted.

"Now we wait and watch." He finally spoke, his grubby voice came out unusually silky and smooth. 


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