Fun day

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You sat with Shinobu in the garden making the blend for honey Tea.

"Are you sure this is all you want to do?" She asked.

"Of course!! Honey Tea was my mother's homemade blend... I want to give some to Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Nezuko! Though I'm not sure if Nezuko is allowed to eat or drink anything other than human, which she also doesn't eat." You said confused. "Most of all, the annual Woodland Bear dance is coming up... I must make some for B/n!"

"That's very generous of you y/n." Shinobu smiled. "Do you know how to perform the Woodland Bear dance?"

"Yes." You smiled. "I will perform it tonight in honor of my brother... It is the one technique in woodland breathing I learned, but it is not a hostile dance, and cannot be used to harm."

"I'm sure it will be very beautiful. Are you almost done with the blend packet? If so, we should leave it and come back to make the tea later." She smiled. "I have a couple places I'd like to take you."

"Ok! It needs a second to rest anyways." You smiled placing it on the counter covered. Shinobu took you to a shopping first.

"Pick a Kimono! For the Woodland bear dance!" She smiled.

"A-are you sure?" You asked. "They're all so expensive."

"I'll be buying one for you, I have a discount on these Kimono's." She winked slightly. You nodded and began looking through the Kimono's until you found a dark blue one with white butterflies going up the bottom of the kimono that changed into yellow near the breast. "You like this one?" She asked.

"Yeah, it looks similar to b/n's one he'd wear, it had a moon on the back and stars over it.. mother made that one." You smiled.

"Excellent choice, we'll be getting it then!" She plucked it off the stand and bought it as well as a butterfly hairpin. Yellow and sparkly. "We match!"

"We do match!" You giggled.

"We're gonna go to the hot springs now and then get massages." She smiled. "Than we can head back and finish making the Tea and lighting the garden!"

"Ok!!" You smiled brightly. You did exactly that, you weren't intimidated by Shinobu's amazing curves, it just made you a little shy.

"Don't worry, You're still a kid, you'll fully mature like I have soon, You're only about sixteen maybe seventeen so don't worry!" She smiled.

"I wasn't worried, I guess being poor means you don't really hang out and talk in hot springs often." You laughed. "This would be my second time in a hot spring."

"In your life?!" She seemed startled. "Wow, B/n really should have told us more about you, you would have been pampered like a princess had one of us actually took you in!"

"I would've rather been in that snake's den of a house with my brother rather than a mansion without my brother." You smiled. "I've never talked about him this much... I guess it's probably because I'm around such friendly people!"

"That is very kind of you to say." She said. "Let's go get massages and I'll do your makeup!"

"O-ok!" You said following her wrapped in a towel. She did do your makeup, a light pink gloss over your lips, a shade of yellow and white eyeshadow to compliment the butterflies on your kimono, and some eyeliner, nothing too heavy. "Wow! That was so regenerating! Who knew massages were so relaxing!" You smiled brightly.

Honey Tea (Zenitsu x reader) Where stories live. Discover now