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You made it up the mountain and the sun felt blistering against your skin. "Damn, I'm gonna get a sun burn."

"Really? It doesn't feel that bad to me." Zenitsu smiled. Something felt as though a knife had hit you in the gut. Make it three.

"One.... Two... Three... Yeah, three is right." You nodded digging your finger nails into your thigh.

"Three what?" Zenitsu asked.

"Demons, in that building, I sense humans too, but I sense three pretty powerful demons, there's only one that might be troublesome if I encounter him." You said.

"Him? How do you know it's a guy?" Tanjiro asked.

"It's an experience thing, after being surrounded in demons most my life I can tell which is a male and which is a female by being within a certain range." You yawned. "Let's go."

You placed a hand against one of the walls before jumping towards Zenitsu and the little boy holding onto them. You felt the room shift to the beat of the drum, and just like that Tanjiro and the little girl were gone.

"Get off!" The little boy said. You let them go looking around.

"I've got the layout of the mansion, and where all the demons are positioned." You said closing your eyes.

"That's amazing, how?" Zenitsu asked.

"Self taught over sensitivity.... That being said, we should go this way." You said pointing that way.

"A-are you sure?" Zenitsu asked.

"She seems to have a better head on her shoulder than you! So I'm gonna follow her!" The little boy said. You sniffed the air and almost gagged.

"That's an absolutely putrid smell." You shook your head. "Most likely a decaying body, demon or human doesn't matter, either or smells awful."

"Than why are we going this way?! If there is something decaying over here that's bad news! We could die!" Zenitsu said. You lifted an arm to punch the wall.

"If you don't trust my judgement I can prove it, beyond this wall is a demon, would you rather listen to me and shut up or me reveal our location?" You asked.

"No! No! I'll follow quietly." He nodded.

"Ok.. behind this door over here I sensed a strong human, a familiar human, I think we should open the door." You said.

"O-ok." Zenitsu muttered. You opened the door to see a boar headed man.

"Well, he's human." You shrugged.

"Woohoo!!!!!" The man jumped around the hall before running in the direction of the demon.

"I am positive that man is heading straight for that demon... And I think tanjiro is over there." You said.

"What about my brother?!" The little boy asked.

"Tanjiro is near him now, I'm sure it won't be long until he finds him, now let's go this way!" You said turning down the hall. You ran straight into a demon. "Crap! I didn't pay any attention to the weakest demon."

Honey Tea (Zenitsu x reader) Where stories live. Discover now