Chika Takami

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▕⌈ Comfort⌋▏

     The dusk gradually met the soft blue sky. The last bell rang; students began shuffling their feet off the school-grounds and to their home. Friends met along the way—laughter resonated along with the song of the spring breeze. Stars could be seen glistening faintly, waiting for the night to fully come.

      The end of the day was beautiful. Chika was never happier to spend it with her great friend, [Name]. It was a post-practice scenario, [Name], as always, waited for her on the same chair on the same spot in their practice room. Almost every single practice he waits that he obtained an unspoken ownership on the chair—the exact point where Chika's feels butterflies each time her eyes passes over.

     At the moment though, butterflies didn't seem to stop fluttering.

     Chika sips only little from her juice box every so often as she keeps parting her lips to babble and reply to him, occasionally laughing along the way. They have already walked quite the distance, but she doesn't seem to get enough. 

     "Hey, let's stay here for a moment," [Name] pointed beside a river bank. 

    Chika, still sipping, replied "Sure!"

     They both welcomed silence as they breathed in the view. The sky is now washed in purple and darker blue, and the stars' twinkles are more visible.

     A few sighs of amazement later, another conversation kindled. "So, Tokyo, huh?" [Name] said, smiling over the glistening river from the little sunshine left. "You must be excited," he added. 

     "I am! I can't wait to see the city view!" she tittered, "But of course, I'm more excited to perform!"

     [Name] chuckled at her enthusiasm. He patted her head, "Of course you are." 

     She returned his gestures with a smile reaching her eyes, but soon faded and she returned to the view.

     "You really can't come watch us?" she said, keeping her enthusiasm visible, but it was easily noticeable how she said it fainter than her previous attempts to convince him. [Name] noticed her slouching as she spoke. He sighed.

     "No, Chika..." he replied, "I'm sorry. I know you're really trying hard to persuade me, and I actually really want to go too, but I also really need to finish the club project we are working on."

     Chika still felt a little bit gloomy, but she dismissed nonetheless and told him, "It's okay! Do your best on that project okay? Or else I'll kick your bum!" 

     Laughing, [Name] nodded at her remark. "Of course, but only if you promise me you'll do your best at your performance too," he said. She didn't take any hesitation to reply a very bright, "Promise!" 

     [Name]'s smile didn't falter; all her silly comments and little gestures, he liked being able to witness them all. Within the span they sat on the green grass, soon its color could not be determined as darkness began to fully engulf the day. Like the stars, fireflies began to shine as well, and they reflected well in Chika's crimson eyes. [Name] stared at them while they talked more. While she watched the river telling a story he can't quite catch from being distracted, he felt as if he's home—warm and cozy. He brushed her orange locks and tucked them behind her ears. 

     "You're really such a ray of sunshine," he chuckled softly. Chika, surprised from the sudden thought, halted from her story.

     Chika was grateful for the little light they had then, because she was very certain she's blushing bright red. "You're so random!" she laughed, "But thanks [Name]~"

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