Chapter 14

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Bella was blacking in and out, being still on the floor, naked. She just couldn't move. She could feel her heartbeat slow and her breathing become hard.

She was in the brink of death
"What the fuck!" Alex's voice boomed as he heard the loud bang of the door

He speed walked to the door and was left dumbfounded when he saw his dad Jaxon.

"How are you son?" His father didn't wait for an invite as he went and took a seat on the sofa in the living room

Alex shut the door and walked behind his father "what are you doing here father?"

"Now is that a way to treat the person who raised you?"

"Raised me? You were too busy murdering people and smuggling drugs"

"Oh come on, I helped teach how to shoot a gun"

"What do you need father?"


"What?!?!!" Alex yelled

"I need her"

"Why?" Alex's voice seethed

"I saw her pictures, she's beautiful. Your brother needs a beautiful young woman to help him is his new mission"

"What mission?"

"Jay wants to murder the blood roses gang leader because he wants more people, more weapons, and more land"

"What does that have to do with Bella?"

"The blood roses leader like's underaged beautiful girls. Bella is what we want"

"Are you crazy?! That man is like 50 years old! He's stronger than Bella, what if he rapes her!"

"Well it shouldn't be something new. How would she react if she found out her so called father sent men to rape her and made her family torture her?" His father smiled

"You wouldn't dare tell her!"

"Oh but I would"

"How will she help in the mission anyway?"

"She passes by him, he sees her, he wants her, he takes her, and when they're close together with no guards, she stabs him a couple of times and when he dies, she gives jay a call, jay and his men break into the place murder everyone and done. Mission successful"

"Bella can't kill a fly let alone a person!"

"She did kill that maid so she could escape, didn't she?"

"Yes, and she was terrified for days!"

"That means she'll be fine after a few days"

"I'm not going to risk Bella getting killed"

"Oh come on! It's a win-win-win"

"What do you mean? How are you advantaging from this father?"

"Their leader killed your mother"

Alex chuckled "no father, you killed mother when you didn't tell her about being in the mafia, married her and raped her. You fucking gave her as bait and that's how she got killed. It's your fault!"

"Don't you fucking bring her up! She wanted to be with me after knowing damn well I'm not a good person!"

"Yes she did! Because you fucking made her family abuse her!"

"Isn't that what you're doing to Bella now?" Jax smirked

"I-I, I'm not wrong! I know what's best for Bella!"

"Listen here son. I wasn't asking you to hand over Bella. We're gonna take her whether you like it or not. In fact, she's already sleeping in jays house now. Of course they're treating her injuries"

"What!?" Alex voice dripped with venom

"Her family is dead because they got in the way. If you even think about getting in the way, i won't hesitate to kill you. After all I killed your mother and wife" his father winked

What? He killed her? I thought she died of an overdose! Fuck of course he did! Alex didn't know what to think.

He couldn't save Bella, so he decided to call his friend Dave

What is it Alex, your sweet little Bella got an ouchie?Dave taunted

"It's not the time for jokes Dave. They wanna use my Bella for some stupid mission"

And you're calling me because?

"Help me get her back. They're gonna kill my girl"

You know I'm gonna help get her back. But not back to you. You've already hurt the girl so much Alex, it's your fault she's in this situation. Give her a damn break! I'm gonna take this girl back and keep her away from all of you. Bye I'm on my way to jay's

"What do you mean?! You can't keep her away from me!"

Are you blind! You've hurt that innocent girl enough! If you get close to her I'll forget about our friendship and get you arrested, maybe even murder you. Bella is a kid, let her fucking live! Do you have no heart!? That girl is scarred, and it's all because of you! You brought her into this dangerous life and you'll get her killed just like your father did your mother

Dave didn't wait for an answer as he immediately hung up.

Was what he said true? Was I really hurting my Bella? Am I really a monster? I can't be! I'm not, Bella loves me. She needs me, she told me so Alex tried comforting himself.

After all he was never wrong, he's always right and everyone else is wrong.

On the other hand

To say Dave was fuming is an understatement. He would never admit but he had cried for Bella. He felt so guilty for not being able to save a small, innocent soul.

He was driving his car over the speed limit, trying to get to her quickly.

She can't get hurt, I'm not gonna let these vicious souls hurt her for their own amusement was all that went through his head as he drove to find her.

He was gonna save Bella. He doesn't care if that will cause him to get thrown in the basement and tortured again. He's gonna keep doing it.

It's not that long, I know

Okay I might not end it that quickly. I got a few ideas and honestly I might add them.

I'm also starting to get some motivation for this story so yay. Also do I change the POV?

Have a shitty day!

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