fact #5

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5. He loves art.

Namjoon's scrolling through his phone, partially listening to Yoongi's and Hoseok's very civilised conversation on PUBG but mostly not, when a new notification pops up, letting him know that the Faculty of Fine Art's official Instagram page has a new post up.

"Who's Vante?"

Both Yoongi and Hoseok shut up at once, and turn towards him. "Vante?" Yoongi repeats. Namjoon nods.

"Oh, I don't know," he says, sucking in his cheek. "Sounds familiar. Why are you asking?"

"They just posted a photograph taken by him," Namjoon tells him, handing over his phone.

Yoongi hums in response and Hoseok leans over to look at the photo, then says, "It's pretty. Seoul is pretty."

Namjoon chooses not to comment on that; they don't know Seoul like he does. "I want to edit it and make it the cover photo for my song."

"Seoul?" Hoseok wonders, looking up. "How's it going?"

Namjoon shrugs. It's... going. "So, do you know Vante? The page didn't tag anyone or—"

"Oh. I know him," Hoseok says, a heart-shaped grin unfolding on his face.

"Hobi," Yoongi murmurs a warning, but Hoseok doesn't slow down.

"Well, actually, I unfortunately don't know his real name, but I can totally help you find him."

Hoseok is a notoriously bad liar when it comes to things he's enthusiastic about, but Namjoon doesn't think twice about that; Hoseok's excessive use of adverbs is suspicious but there's one mission on Namjoon's mind: Find Vante.


"He's close friends with Jiminie," Hoseok says, and pulls out his phone. "I'll text him."

Yoongi coughs, then flushes slightly when Namjoon turns to him. He doesn't get to dwell on it much, though, because Hoseok's phone pings suddenly.


Hoseok hums and texts back, then excuses himself for a quick phone-call. A couple of minutes pass until Yoongi groans, and says he's "exhausted as fuck" when Namjoon asks him what's wrong.

"You always are, hyung," Namjoon tells him with a huff. "You need a break."

Yoongi doesn't get to respond before Hoseok returns to their table with a mischievous grin. "I need to go, but Joon! He's with Jimin right now in the art building, the sixth hall. Hall 6? I told him you're coming."

And then he's gone.

Namjoon blinks. "He didn't tell me the dude's name."

Yoongi huffs. "He didn't pay for his drink."

Namjoon ends up paying for both his and Hoseok's before he goes, but it's purely out of concern for Yoongi's wellbeing. Hoseok owes him.

Namjoon walks down the main hallway, nodding his head lightly to a beat in the distance he can barely make out — and it's familiar, so familiar but he can't quite put his finger on it and—


He heads towards the first hall to his right — labelled Hall 2, to see if the music is coming from it. It's not. He checks out every open door on his way, and he knows he's getting closer as the music gets louder, but eventually he reaches Hall 6, the place where he's meant to meet up with Vante and Jimin, and he realises that the beat is skin-crawlingly familiar because it's his.

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