fact #11

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word: 750//

"This is so fucking weird," Jungkook says, awe and disbelief all over his face, "I mean, I believed that the universe or God or whatever could intervene when it comes to soulmates bonds, but..."

Jungkook trails off, his eyes moving from Taehyung to Namjoon who's sitting halfway in his lap. Namjoon finishes his sentence for him, "But you didn't expect  it to actually happen?"

"No, not that," Jungkook shakes his head. "Just... five times? Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Honestly, I'm surprised five times is all it took," Soha shrugs, then she and Jungkook get into a discussion about the fucked up dynamic between Namjoon and Taehyung. And, usually, Namjoon's really interested in hearing what they have to say but—

Not this time, no. Not when he's sitting in Taehyung's lap, basking in the warmth of Taehyung's arms around his chest and his soft breath next to his ear. He throws his head back so that his lips are close to Taehyung's ear, and says quietly, "I'm glad the universe intervened."

"Me too," Taehyung says, just as quietly. "Can we go on a date? Like, right now?"

Namjoon turns his head. "Sure?"

"I'm really craving strawberries," Taehyung whispers.

"We can get strawberries and head to the park. I want to play on the swings."

"It's a plan," Taehyung deadpans, and Namjoon can't help but burst into laughter. Soha and Jungkook both stop talking to look at them, but Taehyung starts tickling him, and Namjoon tries to apologise, but he physically can't get out anything comprehensible.

Soha and Jungkook groan and leave the room without a word.

And, okay. They're immature. Whether it's in their relationship drama or stupid old rivalry, their heated discussions in debate class or all the fights they used to have on the football field back in high school, it's a known fact that Namjoon and Taehyung are immature when it comes to each other. Sue them.

Before they leave, Namjoon asks Jungkook if he can have a word with him in private. "You were right, partially," he tells him when they're alone, and Jungkook literally beams at that. "You couldn't prove it, but then it happened to me, and I believe you now."

"I'm happy for you, hyung," Jungkook says, his eyes full with adoration. "I'm glad I was right."

"Partially, Kook," Namjoon repeats. "You think soulmates are predestined, but nothing is special about them. I think now that not everyone has a soulmate because we don't always know what a soulmate is. Some people have more than one soulmate, and others have platonic soulmates, and others don't stay forever with their soulmates, and so on."

"You're my platonic soulmate, then," Jungkook says, and Namjoon's heart flutters at that. "And Taehyung, too. I met him, like, a month ago but I know he's my platonic soulmate. And all the guys, too. And Soha. She's really cool."

"That's good," Namjoon tells him. "And if you ever find a soulmate like I did, a romantic one—"

Jungkook groans.

"— I think they'd love you the way you are. I don't think the universe would set you up with a transphobe, kiddo," Namjoon promises. "It set me up with my mortal enemy, but then I discovered that he's just like me and that he has always been a big part of my life. And you—"

"Hyung," Jungkook says, his lips in a trembling pout.

"You'll be fine, Kook," Namjoon promises, and pulls him into a hug.

"Joonie?" Taehyung calls, popping his head from behind the door. "Wow. Cheating on me, already? With my Kookie?"

Jungkook laughs and hides his face in Namjoon's neck. It's only then that Namjoon realises he's actually crying. "Hey," he murmurs, "C'mon, Kook."

Taehyung notices as well and frowns. "Kook! Who made you cry? Just give me a name and an address. Now."

"Namjoon's sappiness," Jungkook laughs, and it's wet and muffled.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Taehyung hums. "It's horrible, isn't it?"

"Hey," Namjoon huffs, hugging Jungkook tighter as he lets out another wet giggle.

"Guys?" Soha calls out, entering the room. "Is everyone having a secret meeting without me? What did I do?"

"Namjoon's sappiness broke Jungkook," Taehyung tells her. She gasps dramatically and—

"Group hug!"

Jungkook stops crying when he realises everyone's eyes are teary, too.

It's okay, though. Namjoon finds himself looking forward to the future, for the first time in a long time, as he discovers one more fact about himself:

11. He will be fine.

the end! this fic is special to me and i enjoyed writing it so much, and i hope you enjoyed reading it too! please tell me what you think! ❤️

also, i'm sorry that jin was only mentioned in passing and didn't have an appearance like the other members, i couldn't fit him in without dragging the fic :( i had many ideas for future scenes, but unfortunately i can't include them all and i had to end the fic where it ended.

here's one of the scenes i wanted to write out:

everything goes okay with namjoon's father's case so namjoon returns home the next weekend for the celebratory dinner his mother planned, and he brings taehyung with him.
his family are really happy about it and minah decides to take up photography as a new hobby after she sees the photos taehyung has on his phone.
his mother bakes a cake and it's just really fucking bad — too dry, not sweet enough, and it's just horrible. namjoon can't finish his portion but then his mother points out that taehyung has finished his (he forces himself to; he wants to make a good impression) so namjoon eats his and demands more. taehyung demands more, too, and the two boys end up competing together on who can stuff more cake. they single-handedly finish the entire cake, which is exactly what namjoon's mother was planning for.

so, yeah :) tell me what you think! and thanks again for sticking around, make sure to follow me or check out my profile if you'd like to see more of my works! stay safe and have a good day. ❤️

- rio

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