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Bakugou's POV

"Where are we eating at Todoroki?" Deku asked as we sat down at a small sitting area to rest for a moment.

"Wherever you'd like, Midoriya," icy thot answered while staring down at his phone, seemingly texting someone.  Uraraka, who was sitting next to him, peeked over his shoulder right before he put the phone to his ear.

"~he's on a call~" she mouthed the obvious voice with a light whisper to Deku, who was looking at both Todoroki and uraraka with a curious look.  I sighed and got up to use the bathroom.

"Where you going?" Kirishima asked grabbing my wrist.

"To the bathroom shitty hair, I'll be right back," I pulled my arm away and continued walking to the bathroom.  I finally arrived after getting distracted by delicious smells at least three times. I guess I really was hungry.  After I finished up in the surprisingly clean women's bathroom, I started walking back over to where the idiots where, until-

"Holy shit, you're fucking gorgeous! What are you doing here by yourself?" I heard from behind me.  I paid no mind to it, assuming it was some weirdo talking to his friend or maybe even his girlfriend or something.  As I kept walking I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," the guy said as he turned me around.  I looked at the tall guy up and down in disgust.  He had blue wavy hair that was dirty and unpleasantly reminded me of the villain Shigaraki. His lips were thin and his teeth were crooked but oddly white.  His hands were big and unproportionate.  His fingers  being awkwardly long, his palms short as hell. He as a whole, was awkward and lanky. His grey eyes were so dull but still sparkling with trouble.

"You need to not fucking touch me you ugly piece of shit," I said as I jerked my body away from his hand.

"Don't be like that, come sit with me and my friends, let us show you a good time," he replied with an ugly shit eating smile.

"I'd rather shove a blade up my ass than talk to you for another fucking minute," I responded turning around to walk away.  That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder and my waist.  I turned back around fast, punching the creep in the nose.

"YOU STUPID FUCKING SLUT!" the lanky boy yelled before he swung at me open fist.  I dodged it easily but still felt a light sting on my cheek.  I looked at his hand and saw his fingers had turned into sharp, long, blades.  I felt my face and saw that there was blood.  Now extremely enraged, I tackled him to the ground and wrapped my hands around his throat. I was about to let off an explosion when I felt the familiar arms of Kirishima wrap around my waist and pull me back.  Before I could say anything, he noticed my face was bleeding and he grabbed the fucker from the floor by his disgusting orange shirt and pulled him up, face to face.

"If I ever see you touch her or any other woman who doesn't want your disgusting hands on her, ever again, not only am I going to beat the shit out of you, but I'm also going to let her beat the shit out of you, do I make myself clear?" He asked as the other boy struggled to touch the ground with his feet, given that Kirishima was taller than him and he was holding the boy so tightly, he was rising above his head.

"Y-yes," the boy whimpered out, stuttering in fear. Was it weird that I was slightly turned on by the authoritative tone in Kirishima's voice? Maybe. But fuck, I can't help it when he's acting so rough and manly and shit.

"Good, now get the fuck out of my sight," he dropped the kid, causing him to stumble back a bit before getting on his feet and running off with his friends who were laughing at him. 

Kirishima turned to me with his face all innocent, a smile as adorable as ever.

"You good bro?" He asked as he wiped the small amount of blood that was still on my face.  Maybe it was the female hormones. Maybe it was my sexually confused mind. But at that moment, with him so close to me the way he was, I really wanted to kiss him. My face heated up thinking about his plush pink lips pressed up against mine.

"I'm fine, let's head back to the other losers, I don't want them getting any funny ideas," I responded, turning my head to hide my red face.  I tuned to walk away but Kirishima was once again grabbing my wrist, stopping me.

"I uh, have a question, before we get back. A couple actually," he said unsure of himself. He let go of my wrist as I waited him to continue talking.

"Well, first off, pronouns? Do you still want to go by he/him? Or is it she/her now? Or maybe even they/them?" I thought about for a second, deciding that for now, it was probably easier for everyone to just use female pronouns for me.

"She/her is fine, but I really don't care what pronouns you use for me, is that all?" I asked impatiently.

"Uh, no. I also wanted to ask, I mean if it's ok with you, if you're into dudes or girls now? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious," he added the last part quickly, obviously trying not to make things awkward.

"Kirishima, I've liked dudes and girls and just about anything that's human that doesn't make me want to die, even before I was a girl, getting shorter and growing boobs isn't going to change that," I replied gesturing to my body. His face turned red as he did his usual nervous habit of scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were into dudes before, I was just curious, no judgement here tho, I like dudes and girls too," he smiled at me, telling me as if I hadn't already figured it out. I knew Kirishima liked guys, it was obvious. He was always hanging out with dunce face and tape ass and Pinky who were all fucking openly gay in some type of way, he wasn't too subtle with the staring either. I'd caught him before, starting at me while I changed into my hero costume.  The funny part is, I don't think he even realized he was staring until I pointed it out to him.

"You don't have to be sorry big foot, I figured someone was going to ask eventually," I answered, beginning to walk back in the direction of the group.

"One more thing-, actually... Nevermind, it's not that important.  Let's go meet up with the others so we can eat," he continued walking with a smile.  I was going to question him, but the emptiness in my stomach was far too distracting to care about some stupid question that Kirishima has to ask me. But, I did keep it in mind to ask him later.

A/N: Pleeeeease comment on my chapters. I absolutely love the feedback and I try to respond to them when I can. Also, follow me on IG

Main acc: oliviaandbenavides

Singing acc:

I'm private as per my mother's request, but I do follow back and I'm full of free time so I'm down to chat! Read my other stories if you're not already, or don't, your choice. Ok, that's all <3 stay safe, stay clean, stay sane! Author out.

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