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The doorbell rang, the sound infiltrating the house as the teenage boy was cleaning up after his mother that had thrown up on the bathroom floor

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The doorbell rang, the sound infiltrating the house as the teenage boy was cleaning up after his mother that had thrown up on the bathroom floor.

His heart jolted at the sound, lifting his head up, realising the time had already turned 11am.

"Shit," he hissed out, hurriedly throwing the paper towel into the trash can and washing his hands thoroughly as the door rang once more.

Jisung ran out of the bathroom door, his feet thundering down the steps at lightening speed- nearly out of breath when he reached the door- opening it suddenly.

Seri jolted at the sudden sound, perking up to see a disheveled looking Jisung who was wearing sweatpants and a random t-shirt.

He looked panicked as he glanced back up the stairs anxiously.
"Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly, noticing his worry and he snapped out of it.

"What- oh yeah, um make yourself at home...I'll be back." He rushed out, leaving the door open and the girl at the door as he left to hurry back up the steps.

Seri didn't mind, knowing there were things he had to do and the situation his Mother was in.

Seri chuckled softly endearingly at his rushed frantic demeanour when he ran up the steps.
"Cute." She muttered to herself, letting herself through the doors with a baby in her arm and the other hand holding the baby carrier.

"They thought we could handle two babies." Seri scoffed to herself, putting them both onto the sofa before rushing over back to the front door- slipping her shoes and coat off before picking up the baby bags.

Seri had only had woken up not long ago, throwing on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater.

Her hair was messily thrown into a bun at the nape of her neck, loose strands that framed her face getting in her way- tucking it behind her ears.

She could hear the muffled talking from upstairs as she sighed at the crying baby, which wasn't even theirs.

Seri began to rock the realistic baby doll as he cried. [I can't remember the gender so I'm making it a boy but it don't matter it izz what it izzzz]

"Come on Hajoon, be quiet please." She murmured, closing her eyes in frustration as she bounced slightly. "You're going to set Seji off."

On cue, Hajoon's shrilling cries turned louder and Seji's signature cry began- making Seri want to cry.

"What do I do- please be quiet, please." Seri walked closer to Seji who layed on the sofa- wanting to reach out to hold both but it would most likely end in her dropping one.

Thankfully, the tall boy emerged from the stairs wearing a new t-shirt- flinching at the sound of the extra loud crying.

He almost gasped, rushing over to pick up their baby, Seri watching intently while rubbing Hajoon's back.

Jisung carefully lifted the doll up, his hand supporting the neck as she taught him and her eyebrows raised as she watched.

Although he seemed awkward and introverted to most, seeing him endearingly looking down at the doll, attempting to calm her down- captured her in a trance.

His damp hair strewn over his forehead- brown eyes down casted in hopes of Seji to cease her cries- lips pouted out slightly in concentration.

Amidst his bouncing the doll in his arms slightly, he glanced up when Hajoon's cries died down.

Jisung's looked at Seri- glancing back into her eyes in a double take as she stood staring at him.

Her own eyes were a lighter shade of brown, it became more prevalent in the light- much more as their eyes met.

Suddenly, caught off guard- his breath was stuck in his throat- painfully swallowing it down.

"What is it?" His voice came out more quieter than expected and Seri realised she had been caught basically staring at him.

There it went again, her heart in her chest lurching- sending waves of warmth up her body.

"I-i um, nothing- you haven't eaten yet right, should we go grab breakfast?"

Jisung nodded, rubbing his stomach over his t-shirt- Seri's eyes dropping to it but drawing back up immediately.

"Yeah, I'm hungry- let me grab my jacket." Jisung walked over to her, his frame towering over her- the scent of his shampoo infiltrating her senses.

His warmth radiating off of his body as he carefully put Seji into her arms. Head dipped down slightly to adjust the doll, unaware of the girl who had held her breath.

Unintentionally, frozen- confused at the sudden reaction she was giving off- heart thumping in her chest so hard she feared he would have heard it.

Unintentionally, frozen- confused at the sudden reaction she was giving off- heart thumping in her chest so hard she feared he would have heard it

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I think you guys wanted an update so how we feeling

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