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Forever we're young

"Thanks for the ride bitch

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"Thanks for the ride bitch." Eunjin said, sipping her coffee as Seri pulled into the parking space.

"Whatever." Seri said with an eyeroll, both of them exiting the car as Eunjin began to tell the girl about her date after school.

"Speaking of, has he taken you on a date yet?"
"We've only been together for a week, it's still very new."

"Honestly, I think after a few weeks you both will be fine- you're quite close now compared to before."

"You're right, I'm just skeptical and I know Jisung would never hurt me but I just keep feeling insecure about my abilities as a girlfriend."

"I understand that but you have to remember Jisung likes you, everything about you and it's scary at first but he'll naturally love everything about you."

"I just don't want to ruin a good thing, I don't know what I'm doing."
"You're experiencing something new, you're both in the same position so rely on each other and communicate with him your worries." Eunjin spoke as they walked arm in arm.

"I just feel like...it's too early to admit to myself that I'm falling in love with him genuinely. I've never felt this way and I feel stupid for thinking it so early on."

"There's no time limit Seri, love is love."

Seri sighed, reluctant grabbing Seji to cradle close to her as the rest of the students began piling out of the class.

"Seri," the teacher called out and the girl wanted to scream, she was running out of patience already.

Able to collect herself, she walked over with a small forced smile.
"Yes Miss?"

"You still need to be improving your maths, you know you have exams approaching in March."

"But it's only November." She groaned and the teacher gasped.
"Seri, you have to put the effort in now!"

Seri had no strength to argue, instead sighing and nodding her head as she dragged herself out of the room.

"I'll work on it." She mumbled, head down in a slump as she felt her whole body aching with tiredness.

"Hey Angel."

Seri snapped her head up at the sound of Jisung's deep voice, he stood against the wall waiting for her with a smile.

The girl tried to manage her own smile yet it appeared weaker and forced making Jisung frown in worry.

He reached the girl, pushing the hair had that been irritating her out of her face- resting his palm on the back of her neck as he stared down at her in concern.

"What's wrong?' he asked softly, his thumb rubbing small circles into her skin.
Seri shrugged, immediately seeking his comfort and warmth when she pressed her cheek against his chest and an arm around him.

Jisung's other arm clasped around her back as she melted into his arms.
"No sleep, Seji wouldn't stop screaming all night and I hate life." She mumbled with a grown.

He was running his fingers idly through her hair as he listened to her rant about her day- humming in acknowledgement.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling good Angel, hm- I can take you home?" He offered, pulling away to look down at her.

She looked up at him with slightly jutted out pouting lips and sullen big eyes.
"I have too much to do." Her voice came out much more emotional than expected, huffing at her sudden mood swings.

Jisung panicked.
"It's okay, it's okay!" He brought her back into his arms, running a hand down her hair.

"No," she began, sniffling and pressing herself further into his intoxicating scent. "I'm just irritated and upset, uncomfortable and in pain."

"I'm on my period."

Omg you know you wanted to see boyfriend Jisung when you're on your period

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Omg you know you wanted to see boyfriend Jisung when you're on your period

Stay tuned

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