Meeting dead uncle john

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Angelica was sitting outside playing with the flowers and the birds she really liked birds. Like her late uncle john launrens. John was just beimg a ghost outside the hamiltions house . He noitced angelica . "Oh alexnader also had a daughter?" He asked too himselth whilst slowing walking too angelica knowing that he wont see him "hello?" John what are you doing? He thought too himselth
"Whos that?" She turmed too see a person who looked fammiler standing by her "hello!" She said smilling the guy looked a little translusent. Are thue a ghost? No- they dont exist . John nearly tripped "you can see me!?"
"Yeah?" He teared up a little bit "well im John Laurens one of your dads old great freinds" she smilled "uncle john?" She looked confised "didnt you die?" He nodded "yes but some how you can see me" she smiled "cool!" She gave a small giggle as she played with the birds "you like birds too?" What a codince that alexmaders daughter liked birds like him
(Its true that angelica really liked birds also did john)
She gave a small laugh smillling up at her uncle
John crouched sat by her laughing.
Alex looked outside too see angelica talking too her selth he gave a comfused look ame he went outside "who are you talking too?" He wnet too angelica "im talking too uncle john" john looked at angelica with a upset look then too alexnader . Alex gave a sypthatic look. "I. Sorry sweetie but uncle john is well dead-" he picked her up
"But heres there" she pointed too where john was for her . He just sighed "lets go inside and play some piano?" She nodeed still confused they went inside john follwed . They played piano together whilst john was wwtching with a small smile . When she finnished he gave a small clap. "Bravo!" He said smilling too angelica and she smilled back

Thats it for this small story bois hope you like it :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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