The Rogue-- Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I hope you like my first werewolf/romance story. I'm a sucker for romance so that's the norm for me, but I've never written a werewolf story before. I hope you like it!

Comment Please!!

-Chapter 1-

The hotel room smelled like cigarettes, like always. My nose crinkled in disgust as I entered, throwing my bag on the bed.

It's been two years since I left my pack. The night of the massacre I packed my bags and moved to a small town in California with the lush red woods all around. It reminded me of New Hampshire, the pack house, my family- so much. It was comforting. I stripped out of my dirt covered jeans and tee shirt and headed for the bathroom, turning the shower on and hopping in. The water smoothed my dark red hair out, loosening the curls until it ran stalk straight down to my lower back.

I finished up quickly, wiping the steam off of the dirty mirror.

My sad green eyes stared back at me, stark compared to my fair skin. Tonight I had my shift at Rose's Diner, but all I wanted right now was to shift and run, holding nothing back. My inner shifter growled longingly.

With a sigh I started with the normal routine, blow drying my hair into my natural, light curls. After that I slipped into my short white dress and throwing the red and pink striped frilly apron over my head. I grabbed my jacket and headed into the warm august air.

The drive to the diner was short, and once I got into Rose's, Rosie, the manager, pushed me into the dinner crowd. For a little side-of-the-road diner, Mel's sure got busy at dinner time. Truckers, hitch-hikers, travelers, they all filled the tiny restaurant to the brim. By the time the last customer left, a sheen of sweat was a permanent feature on my forehead.

"Good job, Aurora." Rosie commented from behind the counter, a smirk on her face. I slumped into the closest booth, resting my hand on the turquoise booth.

"Thanks Rosie. I guess I'll be going now." My inner shifter howled in approval.

"Oh no you don't," she said, shaking her finger at me. "One more customer." She pointed not-so-subtly at a table in the back." I stood, slowly heading over to the booth.

The customers looked to be men in there early twenties to early thirties. Shaded in black, I could barely make out the fedora they wore and the cigars hanging from there lips. I held back a laugh at their appearance. They dressed and held themselves like gangsters from an old movie.

Half way to there table, one of the men turned toward me. I saw it all in slow motion, strangely. The man turned towards me, flashing his sharp canine teeth in a threatening smile. His pupils were just slits.

Werewolves. Rogues.

I turned on my heel, ignoring Rosie's protests and running out of the diner. I shoved my hand into my apron, fumbling for the keys to my car. Ice filled my veins as I heard the little bell chime, signaling that someone was coming out.

By now my hands were shaking, and getting the key in the door was nearly impossible.

"Hey there, girly." One of the men said in a deep voice as he approached me. I only had one option now. They were to close , I couldn't unlock the door, get in, and start the car without them getting me. All I could do was run.

So I did. I cried out as my bones changed around, my skin glowing in the powerful moonlight.

"Hey! She's a- She's-" One of the men gasped.

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence because I was now on four feet, tearing the dirt under my paws as I made a mad dash to the security of the shadowing trees.

As the girl disappeared into the forest, a dark red streak against the forest green, the man smiled wickedly.

"Men, I think we just found the Lucas Pack's lost prodigy daughter."

Noah's POV

"Sir, please," Max, my assistant, said with barely concealed annoyance, " We just passed Crescent City. We are almost to the border of our pack. You can run there."

I loosened my collar. Five months away from my pack, visiting other Packs scattered around the country. I was tired of sitting in this limo, I was tired of wearing these suits...

I growled longingly.

"Max... one quick run won't kill me." I grumbled, crossing my arms and staring out the window. Okay, so I was acting like a sulking child. But I deserve to do what I want at least once, don't I? I just wanted to run before I got back, before I had to call a pack meeting, a guardian meeting, and set up the full moon run tonight. I sighed longingly. Tonight, the full moon would be at it's greatest power. It would lure us to our mates. I growled at the thought.

Mate. A living, breathing, chain that tied me down. No more playing girls, no more traveling. But I have to have one.

"Every Alpha, no matter what age, needs to find a mate as soon as possible. Your mate will help lead the women and children with an understanding that no man could ever have." Father's words rang in my head. But I'm only eighteen! I don't need a whiny little girl holding me down.

The drivers voice over the speaker broke me out of my thoughts.

"Sir, we will be stopping at the nearest gas station. We are running very low on fuel. We have just passed the Pack's borders, so feel free to stretch your legs." I sat up straighter in my seat, a smile growing on my face.

"That does not mean running, Noah- I mean Alpha." I raised my eyebrow smirking.

"You heard the man. We're inside the borders. Only ten, fifteen miles to the pack. I'm going to run the rest of the way." I smiled, showing teeth. Finally, after five long months of quick runs through unknown forests, I was going to be able to stretch my legs, let my shifter free.

The limo pulled into a small gas station. I quickly leapt out, loving the feeling of the wind in my face.

"But your suit-" He whined. I slammed the door shut in Max's face.

The sign on the small building read Rose's Diner. A quaint, fifties style café that I've never seen before. Too poor for my taste. Walking towards the woods, I shrugged out of my heavy jacket, throwing it onto the ground without care.

My forest. I smiled lightly and lifted my head, breathing in the comforting scent of the red woods my home. But something was wrong.

Shifter. My inner shifter alerted me. Not familiar. Rogue?

I growled, quickening my pace. Whoever this was, they would pay for crossing into my territory.

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