"This life we live is strange, I've been lost since I was long"- Rod Wave Disclaimer: This chapter contains mentions of sexual assault, child abuse, murder, and gun violence. If you are sensitive to these topic(s) this book might not be right for you.
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Third Point Of View⚡️
Heavy torrent raindrops, smacked against the mini-mansion. This particular time of night is when nature spoke back to you. The home was a serene environment— complete and utter silence. Small faint sounds of the infant's snores filled the room.
Megan unraveled her body from her best friends—she desperately had to use the bathroom. She placed her feet into her house shoes— letting her body guide her to the nearest bathroom. Ka'ren was a light sleeper, the smallest thing could wake her. So, she chose to go to the bathroom located at the end of the hallway.
After relieving her bladder, she turned her body to head back to the room. Hearing, a noise that sounded like whimpering— she stopped dead in her tracks. The noise continued turning into cries. Her mind recounted the moment of losing her mother.
"Yeah, he need somebody" The young woman mumbled under her breath. Continuing, her steps back to the room to wake her friend. Her fingers gently shook Ka'ren's body. It wasn't long before the young mother's eyes opened.
"Riri Wake Yo Ass Up" Megan whisper yelled stepping back to give space for movement.
Ka'ren snapped her head to the nightstand. Taking a look at the alarm clock— it only read three-thirty in the morning. Her eyebrows snapped up in confusion. Her mind automatically shifted thinking something was wrong with her child.
"Bitch, I love ya but stop shaking me like a salt shaker. Is something wrong with Kairi?" Ka'ren spoke covering her mouth, yawing in the process.
"Nah, her ass knocked out but I think sum wrong with Knight" Megan replied, walking over to the portable bassinet to check on the infant again.
The young mother's body rose off the bed. Her mind fluttered with curiosity— for something to be wrong, him was unlikely. In her mind, he was invincible but that was the furthest thing from the truth.
"Whatchu mean sum wrong with him. Did you forget who we talm' bout here?" She took a glance at Megan— her expression was dead serious. Ka'ren took note of that and placed her houseshoes on.
"Bitch, I swea to god I thought I was tripping at first. But, then he got louder and louder... please just go check on that man. I got Kairi" Megan suggested climbing back in the bed, before slowly succumbing back to her sleep.