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I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing, I got off my bed and headed straight to the bathroom and did my morning routine.

"First day of school to Fukurodani !", I exclaimed as I got dressed into my uniform and headed down to the kitchen. "Morning, Honey!", my mom greeted me and handed me a plate filled with bacon and an omelette on the side. "Thanks.", I said and started shoving the food into my mouth, while my mom handed me a cup of hot chocolate. "Y/N, I have to go on a trip and I won't be back until next week. Is it okay for you?", my mom asked me looking worried.

"Nani? Don't worry mom, I will be okay. You go on your trip and have a good time!", I said happily. It's not that I'm happy that my mom is leaving me and going, but I wanted to be alone in the house for some days. My mom hugged me, kissed my forehead and headed out to get her flight. I washed the dishes and headed out myself. The walk to school was pleasant and-WOAH! I'm finally standing in front of my dream school. I entered the school gates and there were lots of students in groups enjoying and laughing. I looked around the hallways multiple times, but I was still not able to find my class. I spotted a tall boy who was leaning against the wall.

Maybe I could ask him?

"Excuse me, I'm new here and I'm kinda lost, can you show me the directions to my class?", I asked and the boy turned to me smiling. He had light grey spiky hair with black highlights and light brown eyes.

"Hey,Hey! You're new here? What class are you in?", he asked and I answered, "Uhmm... 1st year."

"You're a first year. Walk down this hallway and turn right to the fifth door.", he said pointing down the hallways showing me the directions.
"Thank you....", I said still not knowing his name. "Call me Bokuto. And you are?", he asked and I replied. "Y/N. Thanks again, Bokuto-senpai."

When he heard me say his name he grinned. "Ahahaha! That's right, I'm your senpai!", he said raising his hands in the air. *RING* The bell rang and he said, "Y/N, see you later!" I bowed down a little and ran down the hallway following the directions he gave me. I looked up at the door and it was written  '1st year' I entered the the class and took a seat at the back near the window. People were staring at me and that didn't make me feel comfortable.

First class was over and I saw some girl giving out volleyball flyers. I walked to her and she smiled at me. "Hello! You must be new. I'm Suzumeda Kaori, a third year. You can call me Kaori." She had tan colored hair, tied up to a ponytail, and grey-blue eyes. She also had freckles on her cheeks, which made her look so pretty. "Yes, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. Are you looking for members?", I greeted back and asked. "No, actually we need a 1st year manager for the boys volleyball team. Do you wanna try it out?", she said. I nodded and she looked at me happily. "Then can you please help me and Shirofuku with the managing?!", she asked me with hopeful eyes. I smiled at her and answered, "Sure!" She jumped happily and said, "Thank you so much, Y/N! Oh,right. There is going to be practice after school, so I'll wait for you out here!" with that she ran off happily.

Yes! I get to see practice matches!

The bell rang and everyone was rushing out to get home. While I packed my stuff and headed out last. Kaori-San and who I'm guessing is Shirofuku-san, was waiting for me with smiles on their face. "Y/N, this is Shirofuku. Shirofuku, this is Y/N!", Kaori introduced us. "Glad you accepted to be the manager. The boys are very restless and we soon need a new manager.", Shirofuku said smiling. We walked to the girls locker and they handed me a pair of Fukurodani Volleyball tracksuit. We got changed and headed to the Volleyball gym. Shirofuku opened the doors and we entered, all the boys in the gym turned to us and- Bokuto-senpai is here!

Meant to Be (Akaashi x Reader) HAIKYUU!!Where stories live. Discover now