My Journey through the 19th Century

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When I woke up, I noticed I wasn't in my room. I wasn't in my normal sleepwear either. I had a bizarre nightgown that really looked that belonged to my grandma. I got up and decided to begin exploring the strange place I was at.

When I exited my so-called room, my feet met the cold stone on the ground that made me shiver. I continue walking in the big corridor that was filled with weird paintings and family photographs. I looked at a big widow and saw an enormous garden, filled with bushes, big trees and flowers. I continued walking thru the corridor until I reached a gigantic staircase with a dark blue carpet in it. I began descending the stairs, feeling the soft fabric underneath my feet.

The moment I got to the last step, I was astonished. I was in a hall with various small corridors that led to other rooms, with a big chandelier above me. Without me hearing, a small woman started to yell at me for not being ready for breakfast. I was shocked for a moment with the yelling, but I immediately came back to me. I didn't know what else to do, so I followed the woman back upstairs. She led me to my room, where she helped me dress up. All of this seemed normal to the woman, obviously, but to me it was unquestionably the most bizarre situation I've ever been. I was quickly dressed in a long-sleeved peacock blue dress. The skirt didn't flowed much, but the dress had small embroidered peonies around the small turtleneck collar. Although the corset was barely letting me breath, I felt the most beautiful in that dress.

The same woman led me to the garden that I had saw through the big window. It was even more beautiful that I had expected. The bushes were all gardened, with little flowers growing inside them. The grass was so green, and its smell! Surely smelt like summer! I saw what I though it was the family that owned the house sitting in garden chairs, around a big table filled with food. When I was approaching the table, a beautiful woman with a pale mustard yellow dress told me to sit and eat, because my siblings were going to eat my breakfast. She was embroidering in a nightgown, as some of the girls sitting beside her were. I continued to walk towards what now I was sure it was my family. They all looked so happy. The boys and papa were playing cricket, while the girls and mama talked with another woman about a ball that was coming. The moment I was seated in my chair, I was soon included in the ball and conversation. I learned that the other woman was my aunt, and that there would be a ball that night. I soon drift of the conversation, focusing on my brothers' cricket game.

The time rapidly went by. Mother got up and leave to the house because her friend, Cecille Langhorne was calling. I followed her to see how it was a phone in that time.  It looked like a telescope combined with the part where the bombs come out in the cannons. I watched strangely, thinking about my phone back in the time I belong, seeing how much it had changed. Seeing that she was going to talk with her friend for a while, I decided to explore the house a little more, since I hadn't had the time for it earlier. I ended up in the kitchen, smelling the fresh brewed coffee in the coffee pot

All of us were invited to Ms. Langhorne's house to have lunch with her family. For what I concluded, the Langhorne's and my family were long-time friends, since my mom and Cecille Langhorne were kids. Both women were always trying to get me and Cecille's oldest son together, Dexter, to get married since we weren't even born! We spent the rest of the evening mostly talking about the upcoming ball and the dresses we were going to use. The Langhorne boys and my brothers, hearing all the ball talk, decided to play polo. I wanted to go with them, but I knew mother would disapprove. So I stayed talking about the wonderful evening that would be, until the time for us to start dressing came.

The woman that helped me dress up in the morning, helped me again. I changed from the peacock dress to a peach circular flounce sleeved dress, with a sweetheart neckline. Until it reached my high waist, the dress hugged my form in a beautiful way, then flowing to the floor. Almost in the end of the skirt, it had little darker ties, with lace underneath. The maid said that the dress had taken her weeks to made, since she wasn't used to the new sewing machine. I could tell that she loved my family very much, for her loving motherly tone. My sister helped me with my hair, doing a half dutch braid, letting the rest of my already curly hair fall into my back. I felt like a real princess. I was the last one got downstairs, having to help my little sisters doing their hairs.

After we were all in our carriages and on our way to Archduke Harrington's ball. Almost everyone was there since this was the first ball of summer. My mother wanted us to take a photograph to remember that unique day. It took so long to do it, I surely was not used to it, since I usually took instant photos with my cell phone in the time I usually live.  After that, all of us went our separate ways. I didn't know anybody, well, I knew them, but this wasn't me. So, I wandered through the hidden gardens, lighten by the moon and the electric bulbs in the lamps. I reached a small lake with white swans swimming underneath the moonlight. It was almost like I was Cinderella, all I needed was the prince.

After a while, I sensed someone behind me. It was Dexter, carrying an oil lamp with him. We started walking towards the party, talking about everything. I knew deep down, that these talks happened constantly, explaining my love and affection for this boy. I didn't know if he felt the same, but I think he did. We were almost of the entrance of the party, extremely illuminated by lamps, when I felt something hit my head, really hard.

I felt myself being shaken and yelled at. Even with a pounding headache, I opened my eyes to see my mom, my 21th century mom, yelling because I wasn't ready for my dance class. I got up, the ball, the cricket, my family and Dexter, were still fresh in my head, lingering in my memory. I asked my mother, very confused, I we went to a masquerade party the day before. She stared at me like I was crazy, leaving me under my duvets in my bedroom, still saying that I was going to be late to my class.

I wondered if it was all a dream.

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