The Accident

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South Korea was walking on the sidewalk with his headphones on. He had a little jump in his walk as he was listening to the rhythm of the song.  He had a smile on his face while humming the song.

South Korea was going to visit his brother at his work place. He hasn't seen North Korea for a while and just wanted to bother him like a good brother would.

North Korea would growl, push South away, and say he hates him but South knows that deep down he actually cares about him. North will always act cold and cruel but he will sometimes show signs that he cares for his brother, even if they're little signs.

South Korea took his headphones off and looked at the building in front of him. "I'm finally here," he said to himself as he walked in. He walked through the hallways and into a room.

South spotted North who had a lab coat on and was writing notes down on a notepad. "Broooooother!" South yelled as he walk to North Korea. North faced his brother with an unamused expression. "South.... Why am I not surprised" North said sarcastically.

South proceeded to hug North's arm. "Yeah, yeah, I missed you too," South Korea responded. North rolled his eye and pushed South away from him. "Stop being soo touchy...." He said. "Stop being soo cold," South answered with a smug grin.

North just sighed and shoved South away and continued writing down his notes. "You're no fun North," South complained. "And you're annoying," North retorted. South sighed and smiled.

"Why are you here?" North asked as he put his notepad away. "Just to see what you are up to," answered South.  North walked to a cabinet and got some files. South just followed. "Can you leave?" North asked annoyed that South won't leave him alone. South shook his head. "Nope!" He answered.

North groan and was getting pretty agitated. He didn't want his brother to be here because he's annoying, definitely not because of something else.... "Just don't touch anything," North said as he opened the file and looked at papers inside.

South was surprised that North didn't force him out but he wasn't going to complain. "Ok little bro!" He responded. "Don't call me that," North growled before mumbling, "you were just born a few minutes first......" South just chuckled which made North be more mad. North just huffed and went to his desk to write more stuff down on the files he got.

South, bored with what North was doing decided to walk around and look at the lab. The lab was pretty big. The floor, walls, and ceiling are white. There are some cabinets in one side of the room, there is a desk with a computer next to those cabinets. There is some chemicals in beakers, graduated cylinders and flasks on some tables in the middle of the room and some on the shelves that are against the wall. The chemicals are in many colors and some where even bubbling. The room also had another table with some other instruments that South couldn't identify.

South being bored decided to start humming a song. North just sighed in annoyance. He couldn't concentrate with South being here. South started to slightly dance and wasn't putting attention to his surroundings. North having enough of his brother turned around and started walking towards his brother.

North was about to say something when South accidentally bumps into a shelf making some of the chemicals fall. "SOUTH WATCH OUT!" North yelled before pushing South away. That caused North to be hit with the chemicals and light blue smoke filled the room.

South coughed and looked up. "North?" He asked and no answers came back. The smoke started to disappear and South stood up. "North!? Where are you?" South called out worried.

South then noticed North Korea's lab coat and other clothes on the floor. "N-North..... D-did I disintegrated y-you!?" South said out loud with tears in his eyes. He fell on his knees and was staring at what was left of his brother. "H-he saved me," South murmured.

South then noticed something moving under the lab coat. "Brother?" He asked wiping his tears away. South slowly lift up the lab coat and gasped.

His brother, North Korea, has turned small.... No, he turned into a baby! South hesitantly picked up the small Korean. "North?" South asked as he looked at the small country. North Korea just answer with some baby gibberish. He had a smile on while looking at South.

South couldn't believe it. His brother is now a small baby! South carefully took off his hoodie and wrapped it around North Korea since his clothes are now way to big for him and the hoodie will be way more comfortable than the clothes he had.

"What am I going to do?" South asked to himself. North responded, "ba!" South sighed and hugged his small brother.

Then Germany came in. "North I hope you finished those not-" Germany stopped talking when he saw South hugging the baby North Korea. "What happened!?" Germany asked confused and worried.

South sighed and answered, "I may or may not have been horsing around a-and accidentally bumped into some chemicals which then fell, but North pushed me in time and he got hit instead of me....." South looked at North sadly. North just smiled and made some little baby noises.

Germany sighed and picked up the broken glass and tried to read the name of the chemicals that was inside. "If it was just one chemical that hit North I would have a serum for him but since it was four different chemicals....." Germany started, "it's going to take a while before I find the cure to return him back..... I probably would need to call China to help me out."

South just nodded while hugging North. North was starting to chew on South's hoodie. "I'm going to need to check up on North..... Can you set him in that table over there" Germany said before going to get some instruments.

South walked to the table and placed his small brother on top of it. North stopped chewing on the hoodie and looked at South giggling. Germany soon came. He checked North's heartbeat, breathing, eye, ears, and mouth. He took some saliva sample too.

Germany then took out a syringe. "I'm going to need some blood sample, South can you hold North for me please," said Germany. South held North Korea while Germany grabbed one of North's arm and started cleaning the part he was going to inject with a cotton ball. North was just looking at Germany with a smile having no idea what's going to happen next.

Germany got the syringe and then injected North. The moment the needle went through the skin the Korean cried out. South held North still as he cries. Germany soon extracted the necessary amount of blood before taking the needle out. "Im sorry North" Germany said as he put a band aid in North's arm.

North continued to cry as he hugs South Korea. South just hugged him in return and tried to comfort him. North hid his face in South's chest as he quietly sobs.

Germany put the instruments and samples away. "Ok I'm going to leave for a bit. I'll be back soon," Germany said while standing up and leaving South with his crying brother.

South sighed and tried to shush North by cradling him. It took a while before North stopped crying and was now only sniffling. South dried the remaining tears North had on his chubby face.

After a while Germany came back with a bag. South just looked at him then at the bag curious of what's inside. Germany put the bag up to South Korea and said, "here, you'll need this." South put North in one arm while the other grabbed the bag and looked inside. There was baby clothes, diapers, bottles, baby formula, a few baby toys, etc.

"Oh thanks Germany!" South said as he already started putting North the diaper and baby clothes. "Your welcome," answered Germany. South said goodbye to Germany before heading home with baby North Korea. South vowed to himself that he will take care of his brother the best he can and turn him back to normal. Plus its easy to take care of a baby.... Right?

It's the first chapter of the story yay! Hope you guys will enjoy this cute little story!

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