Japan's lessons

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South Korea's POV:

Japan was telling me the basics on how to take care of a baby. She's telling me the best way to feed them, dress them, and said I should baby proof everything. Like I should keep dangerous objects away from North Korea's reach. I have to make sure he doesn't fall or hit the corners of tables and other things. Japan also said I need to make sure North doesn't go on chewing on cables or small objects.

Japan is still talking about more stuff in taking care of a baby while North finished his bottle. Once he was done, Japan stopped talking and took the bottle away from North. "Aww did the little baby finished eating" she said while giving my little brother a smile. North look at Japan with round eyes as he tries to reach for her cat ears.

Japan then turned to me. "Do you have any toys for him?" She asked. I nodded and got a toy that looked like a flower that has different weird shapes on the petals. It's for babies to chew on so I just gave it to North who soon enough started to chew on it.

Japan chuckled as she put the bottle in the sink, still holding North. I sighed and sat on the couch. Japan soon came and sat next to me playing with North in her arms.

I smiled at the sight and put on an action movie. Japan quickly changed the movie. "Not those... To many bad words for the small baby," she said. I was upset but she did have a point. I want North to be good and maybe seeing these stuff will set him off in the wrong place.

Japan put on instead a cartoon show that caught North's attention. We watched the cartoon for a bit. North had his full attention on the flat TV screen as he was making happy noises while watching the cartoon.

It wasn't long before North fell asleep on Japan's lap. Japan smiled and picked up North in her arms and stood up. "Where's the baby crib?" Japan asked as she turned towards me. I nervously chuckled, "I don't have one....." Japan sighed. "We need to go shopping then," she said as she held North in a more comfortable position.

I nodded. "Should we go now or later?" I asked. Japan responded, "now will be good I can carry North around." I agreed and we both left to the store.

Once in the store Japan dragged me to the baby isle. She went to get a baby crib, stroller, baby monitors, and baby chair for the car. She was also saying what brands of diapers where better and that there were different sizes which I had no idea. I thought they were all the same size.

Japan then stopped and quickly went to the baby clothes and got a kitten onesie. "Oh my gosh this will look cute on him!" She quietly squeal since North was still sleeping in her arms. I chuckled, "yeah it would." She then got a towel that was yellow and had like a hoodie that looked like a duck. "This is also cute," Japan said as she put that in the cart as well.

We got a few more items before going to cash register and paying for them. I had to carry everything home since Japan was still holding my sleeping brother.  "Man these are heavy," I said. Japan only smiled and said, "well yeah they are but we're almost there so don't worry."

She was right because we reached my house five minutes after she said that. Japan opened the door for me and I came in and dropped everything I had to the floor, quietly because North was still asleep. I let out a sigh as I plop on the couch.

Japan chuckled and carefully gave me North Korea. "I'm going to build the crib while you rest," she said before taking the box that held the crib and walked to one of the guest's room.

I just held my baby brother and he was quietly sucking his chubby little thumb. I quietly awed at my little brother. He is very cute and adorable like this.

After a while Japan came back and took North from my arms. "The crib is ready," Japan announced as she walked back to the guest room. I quietly followed her.

Japan placed North down on the crib and gently put a blanket on him. "There, that should be better" she whispers. I looked at North's sleeping form and smiled. "Thank you Japan," I whispered. Japan turned to me and smiled. "Your welcome," she responded.

We left the room to let my brother sleep in peace but not before Japan placed a baby monitor there so we could be able to check on him easier.

We were back in the couch sitting quietly. Japan interrupted the quietness when she said, "so.... Do the Unions know about North's situation?" I shook my head. "No they don't and I'm not planning on telling them anytime soon," I answered. Japan sighed, "you have to tell them.... Don't you think they will find it strange that North Korea magically disappear in meetings or that his paperwork for his country isn't being completed." Japan has a point. "But I'm worried they might take North away from me.... I don't want that to happen," I answered. "They might but you'll have a better chance of being able to take care of North if you tell them before they find out," Japan stated and I sighed. "Ok I'll call them," I finally answered before getting my phone and went to call them.

Cliff hanger-

Sorry for not posting a chapter sooner it's just I have no inspiration right now.......

Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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