Amongs the confusion

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Third person's POV:

South fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. Everything felt so wrong for him. How could they do this to him, he thought. How could they take his innocent and sweet little brother again.

America put North Korea into one arm and with the other helped South up and guided him to the couch. South poured out everything through hiccups and salted tears on what has happened in that horrendous meeting. America was barely able to understand him as South Korea's words often got lost between the incoherent crying.

The smallest country in that room, Northie, looked at his older brother worriedly. He did not understand exactly what's going, but seeing South, the one that's supposed to protect him and the one North thought was incapable of crying like him, so broken made the little country scared. He felt fear, because if he's crying then there's something bad. Anguish was what the little one felt, hence making him start to cry too.

This has led for the striped country to deal with the crying of both the Korean brothers. America had no idea what to do. There was a baby and full grown adult crying at the same time. He didn't know which one to attend first. They both needed attention, they both needed comfort. But there's only one of him. He's overwhelmed by the crying and the sad news. Out of panic, the American thought to bring in re-enforcements.

"South I know it's best to let your emotions out," America cradled the crying Northern Korean country, "but right now you're scaring North."

South tried to wipe his tears away, "I-I can't *hic* h-help it!"

The door bell rung and America quickly went to open the door. He knew that renforcement just arrived. The new country that just came in was Japan. America smiled in relief, finally someone that can help.

"I got the message, came here as fast as I could," Japan took off her shoes, before taking North from America.

"Go to his room while I try calming South down," America rapidly said before rushing back to the said country.

Just as told, Japan took the small sobbing country to his room. She cradled little North, softly hushing him. But North kept crying, unable to shake off that fear from seeing his dear brother cry. He wanted to go see South, he wanted for South to be alright. Northie also wanted to be comforted by an okay (not crying) South too.

So in his little fit, he started kicking and screeching. "BAAAWWWWEEEERRR," he often cried out. North even pulled on the Japanese's ears once, making the latter flinch. He continued this, pushing and pulling. Trying to get out of Japan's grasp. His chubby little hands aggressively tugging at the white ears. But soon his pulls were less. The kicks were not as hard. His crying quieted. All that was left of North Korea was a soft hiccup, and a teary face with closed eyes. The small country had finally cried himself to sleep.

Japan took the small child to their crib and gently placed them in. They then placed a blanket over the country, and put his stuffed tiger with him too. She then left the room quietly, to help deal with the other Korean.


The small country has woken up in a dark room. He looked around and found the familiar mirror. The baby crawled to the mirror and saw the older version of himself pacing back and forth worriedly in the mirror. His eyebrows were scrunched together as he was deep in thought. His arms were behind his back. This country would've looked scary if it weren't for the fear behind his eye.

The current younger version could only look in confusion and worry. They are scared too which means the situation must be horrible. The little Korean started to tear up as more fear settles in.

The older notices this and stops pacing and puts their full attention at his younger self. After much thinking he sighs and goes down on his knees, placing a hand on the barrier that is the mirror. His expression softens a little and he seemed to be speaking gently yet no sound is actually heard.

The little country sniffs and pitifully wipes his little fat tears away before crawling closer to the mirror. He places his hand on the mirror as well, right on top of the older one's.

Welp, here goes another chapter! Please let me know your predictions for the future of this nuke loving baby

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