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 " Hey Emily there's something burning in here !!!" A young flustered girl flapped around the kitchen , it wasn't exactly her forte

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" Hey Emily there's something burning in here !!!"
A young flustered girl flapped around the kitchen , it wasn't exactly her forte. As the older woman came in she reassured the girl that nothing was burning and as she calmed the atmosphere down the phone began to ring .
" billy black's calling "
Emily shouted as Layla rushed to the phone , for that man was the closest thing to a father to her .
" hey billy it's Layla what's going on ?"
The girl asked as she smiled even though he couldn't see her .
" I'm just wondering if Jake is back yet ?"
He spoke softly to the daughter figure
" no I don't t- "
She was cut off by a holler outside the house as she said
" here they are now ... do you want me to pass anything on to him ?"
She said rolling her eyes at the boys antics as she leaned out of the kitchen
" no no it's all good lay"
He spoke laughing as he too could hear the eye roll from the other end of the phone as he quoted her nickname .
" ok billy well I gotta go help Emily ... I'll drop by with some leftovers later "
She spoke as they said goodbye .

" god do you guys know what inside voices are ?"
She spoke as she leant out of the kitchen , the boys seemed particularly excitable today , not that she knew why .
" Layla Layla guess what happened !!!"
Paul yelled in a childlike voice as he giggled with glee as he tickled her sides .
It was no secret that the Lahote boy was in love with the Bennet witch but ... for some reason he never felt it right to tell her ... so he settled for being her best friend for now instead .
" god Paul what calm down "
She spoke as she mockingly hit him upside the head as he faked a pained look and she knew it hurt her more than it did him .
"We have a new pack member "
He spoke smiling
" his name is Embry ... oh look here he is now "
As she turned towards the doorway her eyes met a pair of chocolate brown ones and everything around the pair froze ... stopped ... and as everyone realised what was going on they too fell silent , which was a rare occasion .
As they snapped out of it she muttered shocked
" did he just ?..."
As they all nodded and embry looked shocked and Layla's face mirrored his .
" umm so ... I'm Layla ... Layla Bennett "
She said awkwardly playing with her hair as he blushed and said
" I'm embry... embry call "
The name sounded perfect in her head ... embry ... so unique yet ... absolutely perfect .
All was calm and quiet until Paul went thrashing forward and dragged embry outside as Jared handed Jacob a bill of money and Layla muttered
" god what is he doing ... SAM STOP THEM "!!
She said in alarm as when nobody moved she went hurtling forward only to be stopped by a hard chest as Sam forcefully said
"Layla no ... leave them ... I'll go "

After what seemed like forever but was just half an hour two boys came back in with an air of awkwardness lingering between them as neither of them would meet her glare .
" YOU "
She pointed at Paul as she grabbed his hand and marched him outside
All the boys winced as they knew this was about to explode , her temper and Paul's were equally as bad ... and when he tells her what he had to it was gonna flip .
Once she pulled him away and out of the house she stopped and turned on her heel as she said
" what the hell was that Paul ?! "
As he looked down and wouldn't answer her
" PAUL !!!! "
" would you open your damn mouth !!!"
" it's not like he did this on purpose I don't even know why your flipping out it's not as I-"
A pair of lips on hers interrupted her as she struggled away and her fist collided with Paul's face and then a sickening crack could be heard .
As she screamed in pain he realised the calamity of what he had done and he felt guilty ...
" YOU PRICK !!!"
She yelled in anger as tears spilled down her face .
" you're supposed to be my best friend "
She said as she winced from the pain in her already bruising hand as the boys had now found them and were standing around protectively
" Why would you do that ?"
She said heartbroken as she just wanted her best friend .
As she looked up she saw sam's conflicted gaze but pulling her out of her train of thoughts was a warm and somehow comforting hand on the small of her back as she heard his soft voice
" come on I'll take you inside "
She complied as she felt immediately safe around the boy . He didn't once take his hand off her as he glanced down worriedly at her .
As the two walked in the Emily rushed over to them as she said
" Christ what happened ?!!!"
As the two helped her up onto the counter she said
" I was yelling at Paul ... like always when we fight ... and then next thing I know he's kissing me ... and so I pushed him off and I don't know why I wouldn't use my powers but I just kinda punched Paul in the face ... and I think I broke my hand and I just want my best friend back and this is all wrong "
She said growing more upset by the minute as embry said
" powers ?"
" I'll explain later "
She said noticing his confusion .

Quileute witch • Embry Call Where stories live. Discover now