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 " come back to me " Embry whispered as he kissed her once more and she nodded as he phased and she blinkered down into the battle field to find the Cullens standing around as Alice said" it's time "As cold pale newborns sped towards them embry an...

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" come back to me "
Embry whispered as he kissed her once more and she nodded as he phased and she blinkered down into the battle field to find the Cullens standing around as Alice said
" it's time "
As cold pale newborns sped towards them embry and Jacob came out of the trees and everyone launched into a fight . Layla managed to deflect many with her powers of telekinesis . She threw some to embry who tore them apart . After some fighting she noticed Victoria at the edge of the battle field
" Victoria you can't run forever !!!"
Layla yelled as the wolves caught onto what she was doing . As Victoria began to run Layla knew where she was headed . She blinkered up to the campsite as bella yelled
" Layla ?!!"
" she's coming Victoria is coming"
The girl said frantically to the human
As Edward pulled her behind him Layla saw a boy , Riley coming out of the trees as Seth stood by her .
Whilst the two spoke Layla watched Victoria's calculated movements .
As Seth took Riley away Victoria snarled
" come to get the same death as mummy and daddy have we little witch ?"
" no ... I've come to see your death through "
She spoke as she began to pop blood vessels in her brain .
Edward caught Victoria and the two went tumbling around until Victoria had Edward to which Layla threw her at a tree with her mind . She began to break bones in her body but interrupting her was a searing bite in her wrist and she turned to see Riley Biers fighting off Seth and he had bitten her . And that's when the unimaginable pain started . She fell to the ground shaking . Next thing she knew bella and Edward were holding her wrists down as Layla said
" I can get us down there "
And she blinkered herself and the three others down to the battlefield where bella screamed at the pain her best friend was going through. As Edward let her down onto the floor embry phased  back and sprinted to her as he cried from seeing her that way .
She screamed and writhed in pain as Edward muttered that it was too late to suck the venom out and she felt a warm hand on her face stroking it to attempt to soothe the pain . She heard Jacob blacks scream and next thing she knew everything was black .

The next thing she saw was the roof of jacob's bedroom . As she turned over she saw him sleeping . She walked to the mirror and saw that she still looked like herself and then it hit her ... she wasn't a vampire ... witches can't be turned .

As she walked outside weakly she opened the door to see the pack standing there as they all walked over and smothered her in a huge hug as she said
" careful guys I'm not so steady on my feet "
At this embry held her waist as he pulled her wrist up and looked at the bite mark as he winced and held back tears .

" I'm so so sorry Layla , I should have been there to protect you I- I'm so sorry "
The boy said sobbing as they got into his truck and he finally broke down as she hushed him soothingly and traced circles on his back as she said
" embry ... I'm okay... I'm still here , I'm always gonna be here with you "
He nodded and sniffles as he tried to hide his tear streamed face from her
" embry you don't have to hide from me "
She gently lifted his hands from his face as she smiled at him sadly as she played with his fingers , a habit that she had picked up . Brushing his hair out of his face she kissed his nose and his cheeks and all over his face until he was squealing and laughing as she said
" hey there's that smile I love so much "
" you - you what ?"
" oh I umm maybe I erm you see it's kind-"
" I love you too "
He said as he started his truck up with an ear to ear grin plastered on his face as he kept his arm around her and drove with one hand . His hand absentmindedly placing gentle strokes over her new bite scar.

" hey would you mind staying over ? I don't really wanna be alone ... I just text Sam and he said he's okay with it "
She asked as they pulled up
" yeah I was gonna try and ask you that anyway "
He said cheekily as she smiled softly at him

Once they had got into her room she changed into a T-shirt she had managed to swipe from his truck a few weeks ago as she walked out in that and her underwear as the petite female sprawled herself across her boyfriend and pecked his lips in a playful manner , giving him her undivided attention .
" hey is that my T-shirt ?"
He asked eyeing the shirt she was wearing as she blushed and muttered
" maybe "
As he said
" well you look better in it than I do "
As she smiled and blushed
Once she noticed he was only in his boxer shorts she froze and blushed immensely as he realised and muttered quickly
" crap sorry this is how I sleep ... do you want me to change ? I can if you want I don't wanna make you uncomfort-"
She interrupted him with a more passionate kiss on his soft lips as he whined for another once she pulled away , of course she complied .
After some time of kisses and cuddling the young couple lay down to finally get some sleep , he lay protecting her even in their sleep as he had her pulled to his chest and her head laid in the crook of his neck .

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