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Hey guys so Layla wouldn't actually fight because there is no battle so I'm gonna skip over that part because it's not relevant to embry and Layla's story . However one detail you must know is ... whilst the witnesses stood before the volturi aro recognised Layla as one of the Bennett witches and he wants her a part of the guard . This is my post breaking dawn storyline ... I hope you enjoy it xxx!!! Please comment and let me know how you guys are finding it so far .  

 As Layla and Leah Clearwater walked into sam's laughing and giggling they all of a sudden went silent

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As Layla and Leah Clearwater walked into sam's laughing and giggling they all of a sudden went silent . It had been a few months since the battle and everything had dramatically calmed down , until now . The sight before them shook them to their core . The boys tied down with wolvesbane ropes , an herb that burned them and weakened them . As a few men in black cloaks whom she recognised from the day of the near battle stood in front of her she froze at the sight of all of her best friends , the love of her life , tied down and burned if they moved slightly .
" ah Layla ... I'm so glad you finally showed up ... we've been waiting for you ... you nearly missed all of the fun "
Alec spoke tauntingly as he walked towards embry and Layla shouted
" stop please stop !!! What do you want please I'll do anything !!!"
He sighed contented and said
" aro wants you ... whether you like it or not ... your coming with us little witch "
He snarled as he lunged for her .
She then caused him immense pain as she ran to the boys but just as she skimmed the arm of Sam a volturi member pulled her harshly back and threw her into another who gripped her with an iron grip . She struggled and she struggled but she knew it was inevitable . They had her .
Holding wolvesbane in his cold pale hand Felix walked around the chairs and giggled as he decided who was going to take the punishment  . As embry and Layla's eyes locked she mouthed
" I love you . I'm sorry "
And with that she said
" I'll go with you ... just leave them alone and I'll walk out myself "
She said as she once again sacrificed herself for the people she loved . The boys ignored the burning and struggled to try and stop her but it was no use . This was the only way . As they loosened the younger wolves ropes they left them to untangle themselves as they led the witch out and she turned around as she met all of their eyes and a tear rolled down her face as she mouthed
" it's okay "

And with that she was gone in the blink of an eye . Once they were all out embry began smashing everything in sight as Jake and Paul Managed to console him .
" why does she always have to be the one to get hurt ... I'd rather them kill me ... they've got her ... they're gonna hurt her ... she only didn't put up a fight here because she knew our lives were at stake ... but she's gonna fight and they're gonna hurt her "
He said angrily as he was so overheated and overwhelmed .

But Layla bennet wasn't gonna give up that easily ...

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