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(A/N: Sorry for my delayed update. Stress are coming everywhere these past few days so I need to live life of reality first. Anyway, this is my update and Prince Alexander is at the side. Enjoy reading!)


"I don't want you to see that guy again," he whispered in my ear then continued to kiss my jawline. His hand went up and down on my waist while my hands locked on his hair.

We were lying on the couch in his office, while having some time kissing each other. I knew it was wrong, he was not boyfriend. My feelings for him were... complicated, but two things were certain. First, he wanted me to feel how much he liked me. The other thing, I could not resist him.

I wanted to feel his touch, his kiss every now and then. I needed to stop myself before I lost everything to him, but I did not know how. As if I forgot how I managed to reject Paulo before. I should tell Prince Alexander to stop, but the cat got my tongue.

Gladly, he did not take advantage. I thought he would strip my dress, but no, he just kissed me non stop. On my lips. Down my neck. Across my collar bones. Up to my jaw. I allowed him because of the fire inside me.

When my nerves processed what he had said, I was confused at first, then I realized who he was talking about. I left his hair and held his strong arms. He broke our kiss and touched my nose through his.

"Why?" I breathlessly said while he was still on top of me, "He's my friend."

"And your ex," he emotionless stated and sat up. He looked down at me while fixing his necktie.

I also sat up on the couch, giving him a safe distance, and ran my hand on my hair because I knew how messy it looked now. "So what? Does it matter?" I asked.

He glared at me. "Of course, I don't want to see you with other men, especially with your ex."

"Ugh," I furrowed my eyebrow, "Who are you to order that?" This man was really unbelievable.

He grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth. "Who do you think I am?" he asked back.

Without having a second thought, I clearly said, "A crazy prince of England who thinks he owns everything."

He seductively brushed his tongue on his lower lip that I nearly unheard his words, "You will be one of that everything one day."

"I'm not a thing," I did not know if I really said that or it was only in my imagination that I caught my voice solid and no one could break it. I stood on the ground but he already held my wrist before I could think of walking out.

"You're right, you're not a thing," I narrowed my eyes at him, "Because you are mine." He said the last four words slowly with the twinkled eyes and pearls.

He thought that I would fall on his pick-up line, he was wrong. The next I did, I softly smacked his head, which earned me a dirty look from him. "Shut up big boy, I don't believe in you."

"When is the time you do believe in me?" I looked away, sighing. I could not answer because there was no time that I believed in him without doubting. He chuckled, "See? You are always thinking that I'm deceiving you."

He suddenly pulled me down. I did not process what happened until I was already on his lap and his arm surrounded my waist. "What are you doing?" I gritted my teeth and tried to stand up again when he prevented me by squeezing my hip. "Let me go or I'll shout, just choose one."

"Shout, they won't hear you, trust me," he put the strand of my hair that covered my face on my back.

"Damn you," I slapped his arm, "Do you think I will like you for what you are doing to me?"

Her Life with the Prince (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now