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(A/N: To all who read this story, I'm so thankful that you guys found this one and continuing to support, even you are a silent reader. I just want to apologize in grammar mistakes. I'm not a professional writer. I know there are PLENTY of grammar mistakes here. I hope you understand that all these chapters are not yet proofread by someone. I'm planning to finish the entire story before asking my friends to proofread my work. I hope, despite of my errors, you still continue to support Her Life with the Prince. Thank you for your votes and comments. This is my update. Enjoy reading. Sorry for long Author's note.)


Breakfast was set on a small table outside, when I came out of my room the next morning. However, it was not the food which caught my attention for the past few seconds, it was the Prince who sat on a chair and viewing the wonderful scenery. The sea was calm while it mirrored the peace of the blue sky.

I took a deep breath when I sat across him. Our deep conversation last night, never failed to disturb me from my sleep. It kept me awake. I counted the reasons why my body unconsciously responded that way. Nevertheless, I did not come out of at least one.

I did not really know who she was.  So, what was the big deal?

You don't help him. You just give him another load to carry on his back.

That exasperating conscience had not taken a break from the last night's event. I did not know what she was fighting for, but she was kept bothering me.

"How's your sleep?" Prince Alexander broke the silence while we started to eat the grand breakfast.

I said that the table was small, right? However, the food overflowed, as if a dozen of people would eat here. Bacons, eggs, hot dogs, ham, and other regular breakfast dish. Just add the orange juice, coffee, hot chocolate and tea. This was a one-year supply of breakfast set.

"It's good," answered while cutting the bacon, and asked, "Why Monica cooked all of these? I mean, I'm so thankful that she cooked, but we are only two here, she doesn't need to cook a lot."

"Oh," he sipped his coffee, "I cooked all of these."

"You?" if only my eyes could leave their sockets, they already did. I was shocked for that moment. Okay, these foods were cooked in a very easy procedure, but for all I could sake, he was the Prince of England, and he cooked the bacon perfectly as if each delicious bite was making me cry.

"Yes, what's wrong with my cooking? Is it bad?"

"No," I shook my head in a more overreacting way, "You cook well that's why I can't believe it. And, why do you cook all of these?"

He smirked. This was not his usual smirk he did when we were in England. This smirk had no wicked side. "I don't know what you want, so I cook all I could see in the kitchen."

I tried to hide the smile creeping on my face, but I was too late to prevent it from showing.

He surprised me yesterday when I learned that he liked children. It was not the usual fact, I read in the articles of his issues. In addition, being a good cook never met those reporters who published every scandals he got involved in each week. They only looked for those things that could damage his being. Words, which would tell the world, he was the black sheep of the Royal family.

I wondered if there were more things about him, I could learn today.

After a full-stomach breakfast, I insisted to wash the utensils, plates and cups we used, even though the Prince said Monica would come again later to do this thing, I did not listen to him. As a result, he helped me to do the washing.

Her Life with the Prince (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now